A Guardian's Job: Chap. 1: The Veil

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A Guardian's Job: Chap. 1: The Veil

"Hi Jane," A white haired girl, her hair also being short, said, as she walked into an old dimly lit warehouse.

As the girl made her way further into the warehouse, the other girl, Jane, turned to face the direction she was coming from. "Hi Kara, what are you doing here?", Jane asked, her pale, blind, eyes giving a suspicious stare.

"Oh," Kara said in mock annoyance,"So you hear me call out to you, and if I'm visiting you, it automatically means I've got myself in trouble? Man, I feel loved."

Jane scoffs, being unusually short tempered towards, Kara's antics. "I swear, everytime you come here to my hide out, it's because you get in trouble! Gee sis! Why do you think I asked!?!", Jane snapped back in response, her eyes changing to a red hue.

"Woah!", Kara said, her vibrant green eyes, also changing hue, to a purple instead of a red,"I was just teasing...what's up with you?"

Jane only just seemed to acknowledge, how she had reacted to her sister. She face palmed, "Sorry, I just feel different right now."

"The atmosphere is pretty off right now isn't it?," Kara asked,"You could literally cut it with a butter knife. In truth, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Jane nods with a laugh,"Are you sure this isn't your fault?", she asks as a joke.

"Oh now you joke back," Kara teases slightly,"all jokes aside though, yeah."

Jane heaves a sigh, then smiles just slightly, as if to try to hide any other emotion. "If this has anything to do with magic, and Dad, it's my fault," Jane states sadly.

"Nope! I refuse to accept that," Kara says placing her hand on Jane's shoulder in reassurance,"You couldn't have known, plus dad brain washed you, not the other way around."

"But, I could have fought him!", Jane retorted,"I should have been able to fight him, especially when I got older!"

"Brain washing has an 'IRON GRIP'! In the world of magic, and The Veil, as well!", Kara replied harshly,"YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BLAME YOURSELF FOREVER! YOU ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEN, AND SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME! I live in a world were crimes run wild, you have to watch over your back all the time, and killing is the only way to fight back. So don't you dare say what dad has done to you, me, mom, and everyone before is all on you! You are not our father, and neither am I, and we can stop him together one day! Ok?"

Jane smiled a bit brighter, before facing her sister, although she still felt like she was to blame, she nodded,"Right, now," she took a few steps past her sister, her keen hearing being her only guide, as she made her was to a crate to sit on,"the air is weighty, but in truth, it's been magic too. It's all out of sync, making my head pound, and my spells unsteady."

"I've had headaches too," Kara responds, sitting across from her sister,"but, other than targeting, and combat based spells, I have no clue on where magic is at. I know it's there, that it exists, I mean that's obvious to us, but I don't sense it in the same way you do."

Jane nods, placing one of her hands to her chin in thought, "Yeah, if I remember, your England, Oliver, isn't good at spells, the magic 'capacity', and understanding is pretty low in your world. That would explain why you wanted to talk to me."

"Yeah," Kara says rubbing the back of her head, in slight embarrassment,"Do you really think this has to do with dad?"

"I can't think of what else it could be," Jane answered,"Whenever 2 different dimensions collide, their respective magic's tend to blur, and mess with everything, eventually tearing each other apart, whether it be through the people of each dimension, or the magic. Dad is the only one who could ever want that, his ideals are disturbing at best."

"What do we do?", Kara asks,"Mom died years ago, and with Dad being behind this, and the current guardian of my world, and being behind all of this..."

Jane sighs in thought,"We have to hope, we can get all of our personified countries to work together. Even then that's no guarantee, as Dad could still kill us or them first."

Just as if her fears were being realized, there father stood outside with his group to kill the girls...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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