June 19,2014

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I get what Roseland was saying yesterday but I'm not gonna let him get in the way of us finding Momma and Suzzan. Me and Rosey went for awalk and we didnt really know but Kwame and Feza was there, they each smiled at us, we tried to walk pass but Feza said Aye, you not gonna talk to us? I said Yes, we are but we was trying to go for some water. Kwame said Aye, we'll go with you. I said ok. Rosey looked scared i gave her that it's ok look she gave me that i guess it will be ok look. i smiled. i said Your warm. Kwame said I know, i sit in the sun all day with Feza Feza said Aye, yes, we sit in the sun until we see you girls. Rosey said What do you guys do? Kwame said sit around we like heat, Feza is my brother so we like similar things. I said That happens with most sisters and brothers really. Rosey said Yeah, i like a lot of stuff Rose like. I said Yeah, but Kwame? Kwame said Aye, what's up. I said Can i talk to you alone? He said Yes. We walked far from them two for a while. Kwame said So, whats up? I said Um... I'm pregant. Kwame said It's ok Rose, i love you, I'll help you take care of this baby til i die. How many months? I said 1 and like 4 days. He said So this just happened recently. Cool, i'll be glad to help with the baby. I said Thank you Kwame and i love you too. He said Your welcome, but um.. I said yeah? He said Do you want to be my girlfriend? I answered Yes!!!!!!! We smiled at each other, and then hugged. He pulled me away then our foreheads bumped, then he kissed me. His lips were so tender and his kiss meant love. I love Kwame. Kwame said I was hoping you said to talk alone. I asked Why? He said Because Feza is suppose to do the same thing with your sister. I said Oh, she'll get her first kiss then. He said Yeah. I said We have to get water like NOW! bye. He said Bye baby.

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