First day in Ouran

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(Reo's POV )   .                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Finally after 678349 years We finally got out of the plane joke it's only 15 minutes but it's till long for me I got nothing to do on the plane compared to Ryo who always have a books in his nose. Tommorow we will start our first day. in Ouran I heared it's a school for rich people but like I'm one to talk I'm also rich as well as my twin, my mom is a famous lawyer while dad is the owner of many airports, hotels. For now we are heading to our new home (you can say a mansion) As we entered it looks awesome I like it I wil probably say thanks to mom later as the bubbly person I am I ran to my room quickly and jump up and down on my  bed "Reo will you quit acting like a baby and stop jumping on the bed the bed didn't do something on you " Ryo said entering the room "Shut up your just jealous Ryo that I have a good relationship on my bed and you don't" I said and stick out my tongue on him he just sighed in frustration and storms out the room I quickly change into pajamas and go to sleep.    .                            Fast Forward >>                                                                                                                                                                                             *Ring Ring * sound of my alarm I quickly got out of my bed and shower and change to the uniform in front of me well it' s not bad it's color blue my favorite color and hung my blue earphone in my neck  knowing Ryo he hates it he hates blue and only wears black. I climb down the stairs and quickly greeted by my parents and Ryo with his black earphone on his neck . When we done eating we quickly made it to the car "Good Morning" greeted by Kairou our family driver he have been working on us for 23 years. When we arrived at our destination I must say I must shock well it looks like my brother's shock too why? why mother you know we hate pink that much..                                                                                                                                                                                            ..............So we entered the school and heard girls saying "Hey isn't those two cute and hot" I heard the girl whisper (more like shout ) to the other girl. As we ignored them I remembered something "Ryo do you know were are our class room? " I asked Ryo then he widened in shocked and shake his head as a no "great so do you know where we are? " I asked him he shaked his head again "great were lost" I said particularly in no one well we are the only one who is lost and still calm "Hey,do you need help you look like you both are lose? " a boy asked with brown hair and has a girly figure he can be mistaken as a girl "Yes we are lost do you think you can help us find this room" my brother asked him calmly and showed him the number of our room then the boy smiled at us "this is my class and I can lead you there um are you two new here? ".he asked then we nodded " oh by the way I'm Haruhi" he introduced herself as the bubbly person I am I'm going to introduced myself first before my brother can even speak "Hi my name is Reo" I introduced myself with my bubbly voice "And my name is Ryo" he introduced herself with his oh so called calmed voice "And were the Fubuki twins" me and Ryo said in sync he nodded an accepment and lead us to our classroom "Class be quiet we have new students today!! " the teacher yelled  then the teacher motion on us to come in "Can you please introduced yourself " he asked then I nodded  "Hello my name is Reo" I introduced myself with my oh so bubbly voice "And my name is Ryo" Ryo introduced himself with his calm voice "And were the Fubuki twins " we yelled in sync then I heared the girl squeal and have heart on all the girls eye we just ignored it and sit beside an orange haired twins with amber eyes "Hey I'm Hikaru" the first one said   "and I'm Kaoru" the second one said "Were the Hitachiin twins" they said in sync we nodded in agreement "And he is Haruhi" Hikaru said to us and points to Haruhi. "We already know that" Ryo and  I said in sync "How did you " Kaoru started "Know  Haruhi? " Hikaru finished   "Before we came here we kind of get lost" I started. "And Haruhi was the one who helps us " Ryo finished                                                                                                                                                                                                 "Hey do you like" Hikaru was the one who started "to come with us?" Kaoru finished "we're sorry but we need to go now" Ryo and me said in sync  "Oh then maybe next time then" Haruhi said and we nodded and exit the room as we reached the car "How was your first day Ryo and Reo" Kairou asked. "It's good we met 3 people that are insteresting" I started  "The two is  a twin with orange hair and amber eyes and the other one has brown hair and  brown eyes" Ryo finished "Are they nice people? " Kairou asked with worry "yes they are" we said and when we reached there I quickly ran into my room and shower change my clothes and drift off to sleep. I wonder what is going to happen tommorrow.                  

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