23. Remove it

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AN: Sorry for such the long wait.... READ! Read! read! and hopefully enjoy! :)

Yvanna's POV

Jo hung up the phone and I looked at it, shit. Damn it Jo, what the hell happen between her and Jennie? I let out a ragged breathe and looked down at Polly's sleeping figure, urgh Jo I didn't want her invading my time with my girl. Selfish I know, but I finally had Polly in my arms asleep and she looked so innocent and peaceful I never wanted this moment to end, especially not by Jo.

I scowled at the wall there has to be some way to detour Jo's travels... I tried ringing her back but it kept going to voicemail! Damn bitch left her phone at home! Well that's smarts... I could just ignore the doorbell and not answer but then Polly's sister would most likely answer the door like before. I was getting mad now, why the hell did this have to happen now? The two were all lovey dovey last night that I didn't even see them leave, so what the fuck happened? I let out a frustrated sigh "shit, motherfucker, shit..." my phone pinged, Cheryl flashed up on the screen I groaned what does this bitch want? We're friends, yes, but that doesn't mean I have to like you, I opened the message which read

Did u c the pics of last night on fb? Damn Polly's pretty wild eh?

Her text talk hurts me; I glared at the accusation, what the hell she means 'pretty wild' what photos?

Who was taking photos?!

I quickly logged into Facebook on my phone ignoring replying back, that can wait a moment... right now I had a different mission in mind. Scroll scroll scroll... Bingo! My eyes scanned through the various pictures of drunken teenagers, not my girl, not my girl, not my girl this continued until. What the actual fuck. I enlarged the picture; it was of Polly posing with a guy who had his arm round her waist and his lips on her cheek... Ok, so I see this guy wants to make a date with the devil real soon. When the hell was this taken?! I only left her to get drinks! Bad move on my part as her girlfriend I know, especially around guys like this. I looked at the tags this is one smart guy, he tagged his own damn self I see in the picture saved me time hunting him down. There were comments on the picture as well... do I dare look? I clicked them open and scanned them, there was only a few but that was enough to add two more guys to my hit list and I was deadly serious.

Whoever put these pictures up was going to take this one down immediately.

I clicked the profile of the culprit whose clicker happy with a camera button, how'd they like it if I was trigger happy with a handgun... Julie Davis. Ugh, that bitch. Unlike Cheryl when I call Julie Davis a bitch I actually mean it, though Cheryl does like to test me... Shaking my head I messaged her asking her to kindly take it down. Don't even know why Katy invited her they don't even like each other, that's some fake ass friendship in my eyes.

The bitch seemed to be online and messaged me back instantly.... No. Excuse me?! Remember how I said I asked kindly. That only happens once.


I responded glaring at my phone while I saw that the bitch was typing, she has some damn nerve. Should sue her for uploading the fucking picture without the participant's consent because I'm sure as hell Polly doesn't remember a damn thing, aw my little drunk. At that moment I felt the urge to stroke her hair as she slept non-the-wiser to her antics last night; but then the bitch responded.

Damn she's trying my patience. Saying; why the hell should she, maybe because it's of my girlfriend bitch! I took a deep breath, just stay calm Yvanna... I'm going to ask this tramp one more time to take it down otherwise next time we meet isn't going to be a neutral walk by in the corridor.

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