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Petalpaw's POV

The wind ruffled the cream fur of Petalpaw. She was dropped low in a hunting crouch tall stems of grass parted as she slowly crept forward approaching a rabbit. She wiggled her haunches and leapt her forepaws outstretched. She pinned the rabbit down and delivered a swift bite to the neck. She puffed out her fur proudly as she scooped the prey into her mouth.

She glanced up at the sky the sun was almost risen, she always woke up before the clan to get a run in and sometimes catch prey. She knew she shouldn't leave camp without her mentor, but they didn't argue if she caught prey for the elders. 

She trotted into camp and dropped her prey at the fresh-kill pile, giving it a quick whiff before walking away. She settled down near the apprentice's den and began to wash her fur in quick licks. 

"Up early I see?"  Petalpaw looked up to see Berryfoot, the deputy, standing in front of her.

"I always wake up early... to go on a run." Petalpaw said shifting her paws slightly. 

"How was your run?" Berryfoot asked settling down beside her.

"I caught a rabbit!" Petalpaw exclaimed. 

"All by yourself?" Berryfoot purred. "Impressive."

Petalpaw gave her chest fur a nervous lick. "So what do you plan on doing today?"

"Eh, just going to organize some patrols. Driftstar told me about their meeting with Bearclan yesterday." He explained.

Petalpaw frowned, Dirftstar was her mentor, Petalpaw wasn't too fond of her but couldn't express it since it was such an honor. Then again the only reason she was her apprentice was because her father, Antfern,  requested that she be mentored by the leader of the clan.  "I wish I were there..."

"Nothing really happened, except Antfern provoked one of their apprentices." Berryfoot said.

Petalpaw sighed, of course he did, Antfern didn't know how to hold his tongue. "And?"

"The apprentice got mad of course but, Bearstar calmed her and we parted ways." 

"Hmm, good thing a fight didn't break out." 

"Yeah, leaf bare just ended, herbs are still growing back, we can't afford to have injured warriors."

Petalpaw looked up at the sky, she hadn't noticed how warm the air was getting. "I suppose you're right."

Berryfoot stood up and shook out his fur. "Well it seems the rest of the clan is waking up, I should start organizing the patrols for the day."

Petalpaw nodded her head. "Do you mind letting me go out on a border patrol?"

Berryfoot looked back at her. "Sure, I'll go tell Driftstar."

Paws pricking with excitement she began to dart towards the apprentice's den to go wake Finchpaw, but in her effort to run she bumped into a familiar dark ginger tom. "Antfern I'm so sorry."

"Why were you talking to Berryfoot?" Anterfern said his green eyes piercing into Petalpaw's soul.

"I was just asking about patrols and stuff, he's letting me go on a border patrol."

"I see well I'd ought to get going." Anterfern replied his gaze traveling elsewhere. 

Petalpaw followed her father's gaze which was pointing directly at Shimmerbee, he began to pad towards the she-cat. Petalpaw tilted her head, her father's relationship with her was rather strange. She wondered if her mother, Oliveflame, knew how close they were. She shook the thought from her mind as she headed towards the apprentices den. 

Inside the den she saw the sleeping tabby lump named Finchpaw. She poked him with her paw, and he let out a soft groan. Petalpaw rolled her eyes and whacked him.

Finchpaw bolted up. "I'm awake!" 

Petalpaw laughed. "Hurry up mouse brain, I think Berryfoot is gonna let us go on a border patrol."


"Yes. Now will you hurry up!" Petalpaw complained.

"Fine..." Finchpaw said stretching.

Petalpaw chuckled as she slipped out from the den. She lifted her muzzle into the sky feeling the gentle breeze, today was going to be great.

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