The Optional (Probably Not) Alternate Ending

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Kyle grabbed her wrist as she was walking away, stopping her. She turned around and glared at him. He glared back with the same amount of intensity.

“Let go Kyle,” she ordered him, trying to break out of his grip. Unfortunately for her though, over the past few years, Kyle had gotten stronger to the point where it was on par with her own strength. He didn’t listen.

“No Olivia. I’m not going to let you go this time,” he replied back. He was wearing a gray collared shirt with black pants and gray shoes. His hair was the same despite all the years that had passed and he had grown many inches taller.

“Kyle,” she muttered, “If I could stay and play with you, I would, but I have a case right now.”

“Can’t you give this case to Hikari or Tracey?” She sighed in frustration.

“No, I can’t. This is something I have to do. Plus, Hikari and Tracey have a lot to deal with as well. Now will you stop acting like a child Kyle?!” His grip on her wrist tightened, causing Olivia to wince slightly, but Kyle was too frustrated to notice.

“No, I will not stop acting like a child! I don’t want you to go on that case.”

“And why not?”

“I just got you back. What if this case takes you away from me again?” Kyle quietly said, his eyes shadowed from her view. Olivia looked at him in confusion. “At first, I thought a year was okay because you told me that you were coming back, despite me not knowing how long it would take you. So I had hope that you were going to return, though that hope slowly flattered to the point where I thought you were gone for good. But there was still that little hope that you would come back. And you did.”


“Then the day came where you actually died. I just thought that it was a cruel nightmare and that I would wake up to see you smiling again. But that wasn’t what happened. It wasn’t a dream and you weren’t there to smile anymore.”

Olivia felt something wet touch her hand and when she focused on Kyle again, she was surprised to see Kyle crying. But it seemed like he didn’t notice this, yet. Unknowingly to her, she had a small smile on her face.

“I thought that I had accepted that you were gone and that you weren’t going to come back. I visited your grave every week, hoping that by visiting you it would ease the pain. But that didn’t happen of course,” he chuckled. “You were gone and nothing was going to bring you back. Then out of nowhere, you show up at my front door. Who wouldn’t think they were going crazy if they saw the person who was most important to them, supposedly dead, standing outside their house and smiling at them?” By now, Kyle had noticed that he was crying and he felt that he was being weak in front of Olivia, again.

Kyle then felt Olivia’s hand get out of his grip, but he didn’t bother to grab it again. It wasn’t his decision when it came to what Olivia wanted to do.

Two hands held either sides of Kyle’s face and pulled him slightly down. Next thing he found himself doing was kissing Olivia. Her kiss surprised him because it had been so many years since he last kissed her. When she was dying, to be exact. Subconsciously, he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him and deepening the kiss.

Awhile later, Kyle was the one who pulled back and he looked down at Olivia, who averted her eyes from his. He smiled a little bit at her actions and hugged her. She didn’t do anything at first, but after a while, she returned the gesture.

Olivia quietly spoke up, “It’s been ten years since I died. Everyone might have grown up and our society might have changed, but through all this, the biggest difference now is that Olivia Knight doesn’t exist anymore.” Kyle pulled back slightly and looked at her with a confused expression.

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