Festival of Spring! Part 2

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A/N: I feel like I should add some human characters in this! I'm adding myself in this! If anybody would like to pair up with a  country please let me know! :3

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"Are you sure this fits?" Vietnam asks trying to fix the kimono that Japan gave her for the festival.The kimono was a deep forest green and the sash was gold

Taiwan waves her pink sleeve at her. "It fits! Don't worry!" She puts a lilly on Vietnam's ponytail.

"So," Vietnam looks at Taiwan. "Are you going with Hong Kong and Japan?"

She blushes and eye smiles. "Of course!"

Someone knocks on the classroom door.

Vietnam opens the door and sees Italy, Romano, and Germany. She smiles. "Hey guys, come in!"

Italy smiles and looks at the table with food. It was all Asian food. He turns back at his friends crying. "THERE'S NO PASTA~!"

Vietnam and Taiwan sweat drops. "Well duh...our class decided we do an Asian Cafe!"

Germany slaps his face and pats Italy's shoulder. "We'll get pasta later..."

"Where's your brother?" Vietnam asks Germany.

Germany scratches his hair. "I don't know, he said he was trying to get this girl's attention."

Romano lifts his eyebrow at him. "A country?"

Gremany shurgs and takes an eggroll. He takes a bite and astonishment showed on his face. He points at the other half of the eggroll. "This. Is. AMAZING! What's in it?!"

Before the Asian girls could say anything the slidding doors of the classroom bangs open.

"THE AWESOME ME IS HERE!" Prussia yells out and walks in wearing an outfit similar to his childhood clothes. Germany points at his clothes. "What are you wearing?"

"Kesesesesese!" Prussia laughs and crosses his arms. "Why my class is doing a Childhood picture takes!"

"Oh~ What's that?" Italy asks tilting his head to the side.

"I think people dressed up as their childhood and people want a picture with them." Vietnam answers Italy's question. He nods and smiles more.

Romano nudges Prussia's shoulder. "So is the girl a country or not?"

"Um, no..." Prussia whispers.

"WHAT?!" Romano and Germany yell.

Gilbird flies through the open windows of the classroom and flies over to Prussia. Gilbird lands on Prussia's shoulder. "Yeah, that's not awesome is it?" Prussia frowns.

"Of course!" Germany walks over to the white board and opens a marker. He looks back at Prussia. "Let me show you the outcome of this relationship!"

He draws Prussia in chibi form and then a stick girl. An arrow points at Prussia that's says 'country' and the stick girl, 'human'. "Now if you two let this relationship continue for a couple years..."

Germany then opens a red marker pen and draw an 'X' on the stick girl. "That girl will die around 60 or 70 years later!"

Prussia tiches. "Well when you put it that way brudder."

Someone knocks on the door. Prussia opens it.

"Boo!" said a girl with a pancake face as she jumps up.

"Don't scare the awesome me!" Prussia smiles and pats the girl's head. Her height was a foot and a half shooter than him. Which means her head reaches his chest.

Everyone wanted to know who the girl was to put up with Prussia.

The girl takes the pancake face away from her pale face. Her eyes looks like you were looking into the deep dark part of the ocean. The girl's silky short black hair shines from the ceiling's light. She wears a purple vest with a button up white short sleeve shirt inside, a big pink bow on her the colar of the white shirt, black knee high socks and black shoes. Her backpack looks like a grade schoolar's backpack.

She waves at the rest of the countries in the room. "Hi~! My name's Karin Kuromu!"

Everyone looks at her weirdly. She slowly brings down her hand and looks up at Prussia. "Is something wrong?"

"Well..." Prussia turns his away from her, until he notices a piece of chocolate from the panccake on her cheek.

"There's a piece of chocolate on your face." He smirks at Karin.

She looks confused. Prussia leans down to her height and licks off the chocolate piece.

Karin blushes and closes her eyes. He moves away and licks his mouth. "The awesome me is full now!"

She giggles and Italy walks up to her. "Hello my name is Italy!" He says holding her hands.

Vietnam, Romano, and Germany at the same time face palmed.

Karin give him a confused look. "You're name after a country?"

"Ke-Kesesesesese...." Prussia laughs nervously as he drags Karin towards the doors. "We sould help out my class!"

They dissapeared in the halls of the school.

Taiwan sighs. "What will happen if she found out?"

"Disaster will fall upon us." Germany growls in anger.

"Ne~! What if disaster doesn't happen and they both fall in love?" Italy takes out a pasta shaped as a heart.

"See this part is Prussia~!!" He said pointing at the half side of the pasta heart with tomato sauce on it.

Italy then points at the other side with garlic cheese on it. "And this is Karin-chan~!"

He puts up a finger. "Now if we eat it seperate, they won't taste good without each other~!"

Italy puts the ingredents together. He shows it to the countires. The pasta does look perfect with the tomato sauce and garlic chees together, and to their surprise it was still shaped as a heart.

"See~? Senortia (little lady) can get along with all of us~!" Italy said happily and eats the pasta.

Germany sweat drops. "Let's just hope it goes right like you said..."

To be continued....

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