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Sorry I didn't say, I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. Credit goes to Rick "Troll" Riordan and J.K. "Awesome" Rowling. The story takes place after Blood of Olympus and during Order of the Pheonix. Thanks for reading!

Harry POV 

"Voldemort has a grandson." Dumbledore said.

The room exploded in an outburst. "What?!" "That filth!" "That's outrageous!" Dumbledore managed to calm everyone down, with some people (Sirius, me, Ron) giving angry looks. 

"Now, his grandson doesn't now about his heritage, and his mother is close to a squib. She did do magic but quit it. I think you understand why." He paused. "The mother's name is Sally. Sally's mother, Laura, fled from the magical world once Sally graduated from Hogwarts. They fled to America, changed their last names to Jackson, and Laura died in a plane crash when Sally was 18. Voldemort" cue the flinches "didn't know that Sally existed. Until now. 17 years ago, Sally gave birth to a son, named Perseus, with a unknown father. The boy has extraordinary powers, and that's what caught Voldemort's attention. Perseus doesn't know of the wizarding world. So to keep him safe, we will enroll him to Hogwarts, before Voldemort can turn him to the dark side."

Another outburst. "He'll murder Harry in his sleep!" "How can we trust him?!" "Voldemort could have got him by now!" Dumbledore shushed us, and said, "He will be coming within the next week. Of course, after Harry's hearing. When the time comes, Harry and Sirius will come with me."

"Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione asked, "Could Ron and I come as well?" "Yeah! We want to stick with our mate!" Ron said.

"Of course. Now, I must go." Dumbledore walked out of the room. Hermione, Ron, and I also walk out but towards the room that me and Ron are sharing to discuss these events.

"It's obvious he's evil!" I shout, "Why can't Dumbledore see that? I bet once I step into the same room as him, he'll shout the killing curse!"

"I bet he has no nose." Ron says.

"Boys! Give him a chance okay? What has he ever done to you two?" Hermione shouts, angry at Ron and me. She stomps out of the room.

"Well mate, you should at least get ready for the hearing. It's only tomorrow!"

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now