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Trigger warning for depression/suicide/self harm/anything else depressing, for the whole book I guess. Don't read if you can't deal with these themes.


Standing at the cliff edge, Mike laughs to himself at how pathetic he has become. One day he was happy and enjoying life. He didn't think anything could go so bad, but it did. And everything happened at once. He thinks back to a year ago, the alcohol he's drinking is strengthening his older memories.

A year ago his mum had died from some heart disease. His father ended his life after his mum died. Mike came crumbling down fast, his mental state was destroyed and even now it is awful. He doesn't live in his parent's house anymore, he moved out after losing both his parents so now he lives with his friend, Chester who always tries to help Mike. However, the internal abuse that Mike's mind gives him only got worse. He has a condition: major depressive disorder. Sometimes it's just not controllable.

He's tired of it now.

"What a piece of shit." Mike growls to himself, finishing off the bottle of vodka in his hand. He can feel his phone vibrating in his pocket so he takes it out and answers it, not bothering to look at the caller ID. He isn't exactly sure why he even took his phone with him to the cliff. It's not like he's planning to go back home.

"Whoever you are, fuck off." Just as he was about to hang up, the other person spoke.

"Mike? It's Chester"

"Oh hey Chazzy." He greets him.

"Where are you? I'm worried sick!" He almost shouts down the phone, making Mike flinch. Mike then giggles, his mind clearly clouded with vodka.

"Uh, at some cliff. The sea is pretty"

"Mike... Come home, or I'll come and get you"

"But the sea is calling me"

"Are you drunk? I'm coming to get you"

"No definitely not, the bottle is empty, how can I be drunk?" Mike doesn't know what he's saying, but right now it makes sense to him. This only makes Chester sigh as he rushes to get his shoes on.

"Stay there, don't move. Okay?" Chester says down his phone to Mike before running out of their front door.

"Sure Chazzy Chaz, staying right here on this beautiful cliff edge." Mike replies, gazing back down at the sea, which appears to be spinning now.

"Stay on the phone." Chester sprints down the road in the direction of the cliff, running down Brad's road along the way. As soon as he gets to Brad's house he knocks quickly and begs for Brad to be quick. Thankfully Brad is there in seconds.

"Shoes on now, I need help getting Mike." Chester orders, still holding his phone in his hand. Brad understands this, for it's happened before more than once, and he's ready and out the door in less than 30 seconds. Chester can hear movement and breathing from Mike on the other side of the phone, but he fears if they're too slow, Mike will take the plunge.

So Brad and Chester both sprint as fast as they can to the cliff. They could call the police who would most likely get there faster, but if Mike heard the sirens or saw policemen, he'd panic and run. Or jump.

Only a few minutes later, they arrive at the cliff, now jogging to the edge where Mike should be. Chester hadn't noticed though that Mike had ended the call two minutes ago.


Did warn in my first book that this one will be very dark and depressing...

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