preference🍒how you meet

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finn :
- you went to the royal mountain show for mac and ended up really liking the band calpurnia.
- finn saw you dancing to their set with your friend, who liked them before the show and was singing along, and thought you were really pretty.
- they joined the crowd for mac's set and he stared at you the whole time until finally asking for your number right at the end.

wyatt :
- you went to a school near his and one of his friends who went to your school sent him your story because it was funny
- he added you and made a joke about something and you ended sending each other memes for the whole night until finally your best friend told you who he was and you because really good friends.

jaeden :
- you had mutual friends and one of them told him you like anime
- he added you on snapchat and swiped up a story of you watching tokyo ghoul
- you ended up getting together to watch anime

chosen :
- you tweeted about his music and he followed you
- he noticed, from your profile picture, how pretty you were and slid in your dms 😩🤤

jeremy :
- you were his brother's friend's sister and you met at a family party that him and his brother were invited to
- you spent the whole night together and you found him hilarious
- he gave you his number and you guys kept in touch

sophia :
- you were both at a women's march
- she thought your sign was really cool and you loved her hair
- she followed you on instagram and you realised who she actually was but didn't really pay it any mind because she was so cool

lol feel free to send in requests ! ! !
i'm so sorry i haven't been active, i'm just super tired and stuff and i have no motivation because this fandom is such a mess (full offence) but rlly tho i love you all so much and i'm so happy that you're all willing to read and vote for my shitty book thank you thank you thank you !!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

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