Chapter 21: Time to Fight

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Another pair of red eyes appeared, then another.

It was now or never

Henry took off, heading towards the boat as fast as he could. He could see the others' eyes widening. The sounds behind him confirmed what he thought they were seeing, shadow warriors coming after him.

Jacquelyn went to the front of the boat and held on tightly to it. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate.

"Woah!" Alianor said as the boat began to lift off the stone shore.

"What's happening?" Ryia asked

"I'm...flying a boat" the blonde answered

"What about Henry?" her best friend asked

"He'll make it" she simply answered

Seeing the boat begin to float, Henry quickened his pace, he knew the warriors could be close behind. As he approached the boat, he took a large leap and caught on to it. Philip and Ryia held onto his arms and tried to pull him up. But they were challenged by a warrior who had grabbed onto his foot. Henry frantically kicked his feet, sending the warrior flying. Free from competition, he was successfully helped into the boat.

But the warriors weren't giving up. One jumped onto the boat, but Henry and Philip were ready with their swords. One slash and the warrior fell back onto the stones.

As the boat continued to float away, more warriors attempted to jump aboard. But with Henry and Philip with swords and Ryia with an axe, none of them made it onto the boat.

"Hurry Jackie!" Alianor said after she joined the fight and hit a warrior with the book of shadow magic

Jacquelyn closed her eyes tighter.

"Go faster" she whispered

The boat sped up as if it had heard her. It was sudden, and it jolted the boat, causing the warriors who had latched on to fall off into the water below, and the guardians to fall to the floor of the boat.

"Woohoo!" Jaquelyn screamed as the boat whizzed through the air

She turned to the others, who were settling themselves. She looked to Henry.

"Next time, don't be so stubborn" she smiled triumphantly at him

He rolled his eyes at her and the others laughed. As Jacquelyn continued to "steer" the boat, the other took in the beautiful view from up high, all while searching for a hiding place.


Prince Asher, the grandson of King Francis, stood by the window of his "new" bedroom, watching the ocean. He looked out at it angrily, as if it had done him wrong. But he wasn't mad at the sea, but at his grandfather.

When Caine returned and imprisoned them in the east wing of the castle, the newly knighted sixteen-year-old wanted to gather the other knights and fight. But his grandfather wouldn't allow it, saying Caine was stronger than he knew.

Yes, Caine was powerful, but Asher believed that he and the knights will be stronger, they didn't need magic to beat him.

He kicked the wall in frustration, why didn't his grandfather trust him?

Sighing, he continued to look out the window, determined to get him out of his bad mood. If his mother were around, she would surely blame it on his fiery red hair.

In the corner of his eye, something caught his attention. There was an object in the sky, moving towards the castle. He strained his eyes to see what it was. He couldn't see what it was at first, but the closer it got, the more it looked like a boat.

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