Breaking up

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It was a normal lazy day for me,my boyfriend - oh well now ex boyfriend is on tour, finals are coming up aand here I am, too tired to even move from my spot at the couch. I've been dipressed since our break up, one week ago.. I found out that he cheated on me with a slut, probably met eachother at a shitty club. 

How could he? How? I thought we were meant to be, thought we would raise a family together, thought he was the one, the perfect boyfriend, I guess I was wrong. 

It all happened really fast... 

one week ago

I was scrolling through my timeline when i came across various of tweets that were saying and giving me proof that he indeed cheated. I couldn't move, couldn't do anything. I was so done. All I did from the begginig was to spend my time on him. Completely shouting everyone out. I was so naive. Of course now everyone expects me to move on. Find someone new. I can't. 

I ended it with a text.  Telling him that i hated him and never to talk to me again. I immediatly regretted it, He's the love of my life, i can't hate him. I love him. There's no going back now, we were drifting apart and he knew it. He also knew that i needed him, i needed help with my parents but he didn't give a shit. He doesn't care, never did...

After two months 

I was roaming around the busy streets of London, feeling free and kinda lost. Just finished with my exams and I did pretty good actually, things after the "incident" have turned to the better. But still, after all this time, there's a missing part in my heart that belongs to the guy i fell in love with, the caring Niall, the soft Niall, the loving Niall, not the one who has become into, a guy who doesn't care about anything, getting drunk, sleeping around.. 

Just i was about to turn right, i bumped into the last person i was expecting to. 


 "(Y/N) ?" that took us both by surprise. He stared into my eyes and i straight to his. 

A voice inside me was telling me that he's not good enough for me, that it's not meant to be and that i'll get hurt in the end..


"Listen to me for a sec, you've got to listen to me, for fucks sake you've been ignoring me the past couple months!" 

I didn't reply, couldn't think of anything to say. I just nodded motioning for him to continue.

"Look I know that you propably hate me but it's you all i can think of. I've been thining about you. How you smile and you show off your teeth, your weird accent, how much i love your face even though you hate your freckles. he chuckled.I'm so sorry (Y/N) , I REALLY AM.I know you problably won't take me back but -"

i cut him off by hugging so tight and pressing my lips to his. After our liitle make out session and after getting weird and obnoxious stares from people passing by he said

"Sooo i'll take that as a 'yes Niall i want to be your girlfriend' " 

I was blushing madly trying to hide my face in his chest

"You never asked though.." 

"Well my one and only, would you please do the honour to be my girlfriend?" while kneeling down and saying all these in a posh tone. 

I burst out laughing and hit him playfully in the arm. "Get up.. Idiot" 

Hope you liked it!!!! My first imagine :D please leave your comments down below and your reviews :) <3 THANK YOU!!! Listen to the song i put on the side :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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Niall Horan Breaking Up ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now