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"Hey Lilly". I turned around I was it was my best friend Kylie. "hey " I said. "What class do you have next" she asked. "Math" I replied

*Ring* ''I have to go" I said. "Okay then see you at lunch" she said.

Math class was boring as usual our math teacher Mr. Buff (no joke that's his name) Kept blabbing about how stupid fractions were very important in high school.

After I few classes it was finnaly lunch. Kylie was sitting there at our usual table with a some of my other friends.

"Hey Lilly " one of them called out. "Have you heard about Nick's party tonight ". I didn't know nick was throwing a party but even if he did it's not like me or any of my friends would be invited . For the "popular" scale nick was the cutest guy in the school.

"Hello?" She snapped. "Sorry" I replied. "Were you thinking about him" asked Kylie in a teasing vocie. "Oh come on u know I have a boyfriend". "You mean Josh the werid kid who is over uppsed about u and the whole 'situation'. "Shutup" I said annoyed.

"Hello" I heard a boys voice behind us. It was nick. "Who are we talking about" he asked. I was to shocked that he was even talking to us. Since everyone was in shock nobody replied. "Well umm maybe u guys are mute but I hope u guys can hear me, I'm hosting a party tonight at my house I hope u guys can come ". Now I was beyond shocked. "Sorry they are late I only learned my parents were leaving for a couple weeks today". "Omg thank you" I croaked and then he left.

"Guess who is going to Nick's party tonight" Kylie almost shouted. We all started freaking out excited and shocked at the same time.

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