Ch. sixteen

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Harry reconsidered his idea to storm into Draco's apartment and confront him with what had happened in favor of good sense and retreated to Grimmaud Place . He knew where Draco was, so that was a point in his favor, but he had bollixed up their first meeting and he wanted to properly plan for the next time he saw the Slytherin blond.

Hours passed as he made and discarded plan after plan. He couldn't just drop in on Draco or he would run the risk of having a door slammed in his face. A phone call or letter would beg the question of how he had found the other man, and he really didn't want to explain that. If he said he had magical help, Draco would expect to know the spells and Harry would have to admit to finding him and to—to attacking him.

A day after the first sighting, Harry was still holed up in his study, head in hands, trying to figure out what to do next.

Suddenly Hermione was at the door, "Harry, we tried to stop him—"

She was cut off by a red-headed blur that threw itself across the room, grabbed Harry by the shirt collar, and slammed him against the wall. Harry's head snapped against the wall sharply, and his vision swam, but as his eyes cleared he could see that his attacker was Charlie Weasley.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Harry?"

His voice was pleading, but there was a raging fire in his eyes, and his grip didn't loosen at all.

Harry could feel the blood rushing to his head, "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!"

Charlie shook him fiercely, "Nothing? So you don't remember stalking Draco and assaulting him in his boss's office?"

Shocked, Harry could only stare, his mouth open. How had Charlie known?

Without another word, Charlie released Harry, letting him collapse to the floor.

Harry watched the red head run a shaking hand over his face. "He knows it's you. Or at least, he thinks it's you. And he doesn't understand."

Finally looking at Harry again, Charlie went on, "Couldn't you have said something? He was scared to death, is still scared to death."

Harry finally found his voice, "I'm sorry. I was surprised, I didn't know what to do and he was there and so..."

Charlie nodded, but said nothing.

Harry went on, "Is he really that upset?"

At this point Hermione broke in, "Of course he's upset Harry. He's blind and now either some lunatic just attacked him, or the ex-boyfriend he ran away from is stalking him." Seeming shocked by her own words she stopped, staring downwards. Almost to herself she went on, "This is like something out of a made for telly movie."

Harry glared at her and saw Charlie roll his eyes. Then the tall red head offered his hand to help Harry get up again. The two men walked over to the desk and sat on opposite sides of the mammoth and map strewn surface.

Groaning through his scratchy throat, Harry buried his face in his hands, "What do I do?"

He heard Charlie and Hermione reply in harmony, "You should have thought about that before you went," and looked up.

Hermione went on, coming further into the room and taking a seat by the fire, "Now Charlie, what exactly did Harry do? He went out yesterday and came back in a panic. He's been holed up in here ever since. I know it's about Draco because everything is lately, but I need to know the whole story before I can help."

Harry sank down in his chair and stared at the ceiling as Charlie recited his list of crimes; stalking, breaking and entering, assault, sexual assault, and just generally being a completely ungrateful git.

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