Marina Tina

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Ch 3- Marina's POV

"Sup Marina Tina?" "How many freaking times do I have to tell you not to call me that," I asked getting annoyed. When I was born Zayn had asked if I could be named 'Marina Tina Malik' and the name kinda stuck. "Come on Rina what's your problem," he said sitting down on the edge of my bed. "Zayn, I..." That's when I started crying because hurt to much to say it. Zayn sat next to me and put his arm around shoulders. "What is it love?" "This isn't working!" I threw my hands up and cried even harder. "Hey, hey. Shh. What's not working?" he was calm and spoke quietly despite my emotional breakdown. He rubbed my back and tried to calm me down. when I had mostly stopped crying I looked down and began talking. "Zayn I can't keep coming home every weekend and hiding this from everyone...." " What do you mean-" "I mean I'm just going to stay at the school." "What no! Your fricken 15! You need to have a home, and a family, you need your brother!" He is standing up and I look up at him. "No I don't! Not if I have to hide everything from my family! It's too hard Zayn! Everyone at school understands me! They're just like me! I don't have to hide with them," I said my voice decreasing in volume and harshness as I spoke,"They accept me Zayn." he looks like he wants to cry but no tears will come. Zayn is trying to be strong. "Zayn, I love you guys but I can't stay. I'm just gonna stay at school." "Can you at least stay until I'm better?" My head turns to the door and I see Louis standing in the doorway. Louis was my best friend out of all of the boys and was kind of like a brother himself. "Please don't leave." "Louis," I said running up to hug him. "I'll stay until you get better." "Thank you," he said and kissed the top of my head. "Hey hands off my sister," Zayn said and we all laughed. Zayn an I headed downstairs and I got Louis some tea and soup. I brought it back up to him and. "Why are you gonna leave us?" "Louis its complicated,' I said giving him the soup on a tray and putting the tea on the nightstand. "But I don't want you to go." "Uggh! you know what Louis? I can't keep hoping on a plane every weekend to come visit! I'm your friends 15 year old sister! You are 20 years old! I need to do this for me. You guys will get along just fine without me," I said walking to the bathroom or some medicine and a box of tissues. I brought them over to Louis and set them down next to him. "But Zayn won't be," he said. "Ugghhh," I screamed and stormed (teehee) out of Louis' room and into my room. I closed the door and pulled my two suitcases out from under my bed. I went over to my closet and started ripping clothes off hangers and hangers off the rod with so much anger and and force that one side of the rod fell and all of the clothes fell off. I screamed in frustration and slammed my closet door. I sat on the floor and I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Great. "Marina, what the heck!?" Liam. I look up with glossy eyes and see Niall is with him. Niall runs over to where I'm sitting and rests his hand on my shoulder. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" "Nothing," I say brushing off his hand and getting up. I try to walk through the door but Liam blocks me. "Tell us what's wrong." "I said nothing." "Rina you were about to cry when we got up here, something's wrong," Niall said. "Look I don't get why you guys care about me so much I'm not even you guys' sister and you like to tell me what to do and help me with all my problems. Well maybe that's my problem. I have 5 brothers and its too much. It's too hard to have 4 brothers that aren't actually my brothers has its great times but right now there's something I'm struggling with and... I'm going to stay at the school." I walked to the door and Liam let me pass this time. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to Zayn. I looked at him but he continued to look straight ahead. "Zayn-" "What,"he said harshly, looking at me this time. "Nothing,"I mumbled. I laid my head down on his legs by his knees. "Zayn," I said looking up at the ceiling,"we can't just sit around and mope all weekend. we should do something." "Okay so what do you want to do?" I smiled widely getting excited.

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