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Soundtrack: Two! Three! By BTS

Part 15

*A weeks past. You noticed that Taehyung is quite different, sometimes he never texted you but you didn't say anything to him because you knew that he was a busy person. You just let it go.*

You: Taehyungie?

*You waited for so long but he didn't respond but instead you just received a text message from suga oppa*

Suga: Meet me at the Riru. We need to talk. Faster!

*You can't help but to laugh. Suga oppa never changed. He's still bossy as ever.*

You: whatever oppa!

Suga: Faster young lady!

*With an hour you finished your routine and go to the place where suga oppa said.*

Suga: i waited for an hour *y/n*!

You: * You just smile at him* Calm down! Im sorry oppa im here.

Suga: Whatever *y/n* let's go they are waiting.

You: Whose waiting oppa?

Suga: tch! Nothing!

You: Tell me oppa! Tell me.

Suga: Stop being childish young lady its nothing.

You: *you frown at him* Tch! Selfish.

Suga: Hey! Im not.

You: ......

* You and your suga oppa travel from riru to the place you don't know.*

You: Oppa?

*Suga didnt answer you. Someone from behind pull you and then she said that you need to ware a white dress she give you. You just nodded at  her.*

*a minute past you saw suga oppa walking towards you so you run after him.*

You: What is happening oppa?

Suga: Nothing. After this you will thank me to death. Tch! Lets go.

You: *your a bit curious on what suga oppa said*

*You and suga oppa stop in the middle of the forest*

*and you saw a guy standing meters away from you. You just knew the guy standing there. You just knew him a hundred percent. And you are too sure that it was taehyungi. The guy you waited for so long, the guy you love the most.*

You: taehyung.

*Taehyung star walking towards you. You didnt know why are you crying right now.*

He stop in front of you. You can  clearly see his angelic face that everyone love to see.

You: taehyung.

Taehyung: *Y/N*

You: taehyung.

Taehyung: Sweetheart!

You: i hate you!

Taehyung: Oww. Why? I thought you loved me?

You: I do, i really do love you but you make me wait for so long taehyung!

Taehyung: Im sorry, my love. I prepared a lot for this moment so i got really busy. Im sorry

*You cant help but to hug him tight. You missed and love him this much*

*Taehyung took straight to your eyes.*

*And a minute later he kneeled in front of you make you a dumb found what the!?*

You: What are you doing taehyung?! Stand up!

Taehyung: stop talking love, let me do the talk.

You: ....

Taehyung: The very first time we talk i fell inlove with you. Your attitude reflects what you really feel. You a true person thats why i love you so much you never hide anything. You are an open book that everyone loved to have and im so luck to have you as mine. Im thanking all the saints for giving you into mylife *Y/N* You changed me to become a better person i am today. Weve been together through ups and down. I never thought this moment will happen and im thanking again because it was happening right now. *You cried so hard* *Y/N*, my love, sweetheart? I now you would say yes but it was my privilege if i would hear it from you, *Y/N* Will you merry me and be my children's mom and my wife? Please say yes and even if you would say no you can't do anything but to marry me. I won't let you leave me.

YOU: *Without any hesitation* Yes, ofcoure it's my plessure to become your  wife!

*You laught to hard when taehyung start jumping. *

Taehyung: i love you, my soon to be and definitely my wife. I love you so much!

*And with that you and taehyung sealed with a kiss the beggining of your journy together.*

The end...

A/N: Saket sa bangs! Too many wrong grammars. Hys! ><


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