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"Aroura Tanner, my office, now."
I said poking my head into her English class, I waved at Mrs. Pickle, a small frail woman in her mid fifties. She had been having some trouble with a certain Aroura, even I had heard of her notorious rebellions but Pickle had just about had enough so she called me. A chair scraped and a raven haired girl stood up. In a way I saw myself in her, that's why I agreed to help, I was actually just a Secretary but I had a degree in Guidance and Councelling. Aroura came and stood next to me, I ushered her to the guidance office, Mr. Decker, the PE teacher, had offered his office since he was on vacation.
I sat pulled up a chair and sat down with my hands on the back rest.
"Are you not going to sit? I mean you might as well, seeing as you'll be with me till lunch."
"But that's in two hours." She said and huffed.
"Yeah, but this is your fault, sure I hate homework and teachers and school and life, wait you were not supposed to hear that last part. But I didn't make it this far by napping all the time."
I finished and smiled at her rolling her eyes, she was so like me.
But she surprised me by sitting down.
"That wasn't so hard now was it Roura?"
She looked up and her face changed.
"Don't call me that."
I raised my hands up in surrender.
"So like what do you like to do for fun?"
She frowned at me.
"Aren't you gonna ask me why?"
"You don't want to tell me so why waste our time?"
A smiled pulled at her lips. I silently celebrated my victory, she was warming up to me.
"So, do you collect bugs or insects or boogers?"
"Eww, no. I like listening to music and playing video games."
I nodded.
I stood up and took her file.
"Tell me something that isn't in here."
I said and put the file down, she narrowed her eyes at me, trust issues this one.
"My parents died when I was 4, I lived with my great aunt for about 4 years and she too died, I've been living with my fathers sister for the past 6 years."
I tilted my head, she was toying with me.
"Aroura everything you just said is in your file. I want to know why you behave like there are no consequences to your actions, I want to know why you don't do your home work, I want to know why you insult your teachers and where do you get that lovely perfume? You smell dangerous."
I finished and she gave me a small smile.
"Well that's a change from that ugly scowl."
I smiled.
"Why do you care?"
She asked. My smile got wider.
"That's the plot twist. I don't."
She frowned and a shadow crossed her features, could be lack of attention from her aunt.
"Then why..."
"I'm paid to care."
I said and walked to the window. She stood up and her voice shook.
"You are just like Shea. She doesn't listen to me, she doesn't care and..."
I turned to look at her.
"You stopped. Why?"
"Because its not worth it."
"Yes you are."
She blinked at me.
"That's not what I..."
I walked over to her and smiled.
"You are worth it, you are one of the smartest students here and your dream to be a lawyer is very possible  ."
"How did you..."
She grinned. Yup I was working this kid.
"Hey, let's go for a ride."
I said and grabbed my bag and my keys.
"Wow. Cool."
"Don't get used to it princess, this ride is educational."
"Whatever you say. As long as I can ditch this hell hole."
"School isn't all bad."
She raised an eyebrow at me.
"Okay maybe it is."
We laughed.
I stopped, oh shit.
"Yes principal Hanson?"
"This student is supposed to be in class."
I looked at Aroura and blinked.
"She's a little sick. And I called Millie, they don't have any medicine for dizziness."
And Aroura tilted into my arms.
"It comes and goes, I think she's leaking blood out of her vagina. Terrible cramps, you know eggs and fallopian tubes and..."
Hanson paled.
"Okay okay. Go."
He said and briskly walked off. I stifled a laugh while we speed walked to my car and we laughed when we got there.
"Are you always this delinquent?"
I feigned offence.
"No, sometimes I'm sleeping."
And she laughed. I loved her laugh, it was infectious.
"So where are we going?"
"My house."
I said and pulled out of my parking space. We drove in silence, wasn't that long maybe 13 minutes, I guess she was wondering if I could be trusted. I hope she trusts me, the path she was on was bad for her, I was on the same path and it landed me in hospital. I could tell by her serious attitude that she had had to grow up very fast, which was unfair, she was only 13. Her file stated that she would get her parents money when she turned 21, I could tell she really needed the money, she never went on school trips or even field trips. I wondered then why Shea didn't pay for them, I mean it wasn't much. Then I realised Aroura only did her male teacher home works and none of her male teachers have reported her strange behaviour. In fact Mr. Tanner, her history teacher said she was his best student. I turned to Aroura and prayed to god it wasn't what I was thinking, because if it was someone will pay. I got out of my car and slammed the door a touch too hard.
"Ms. Ghellor, is everything alright?"
"Yes. Now come in, I've been craving caramel ice cream all morning."
"Wow, I love caramel."
"What? Does this mean I have to share?"
She laughed.
"You have a big house, isn't it a little too big for one person?"
"No. I need more space actually. I'm kidding, my aunt left me this house."
"When did she die?"
I laughed.
"That crazy old bat isn't dead. She's got way too much money, she doesn't know what to do with it. She is currently on a cruise."
"So she just handed you the keys to a 5 bed roomed house? Just like that?"
"It's complicated."
I said and turned around to get the ice cream out of the freezer, once our bowls were full we sat in the living room and talked about her hobbies and her favorite cartoons. After a few laughs it was time to get serious.
"Aroura, why should I not call you Roura?"
"I thought you said I'd tell you if I wanted to."
"Well you do. So spill."
She looked down, I tilted her head with my fingers.
"Hey, you can trust me. Besides, we don't share friends so I can't possibly tell anyone your deepest darkest secrets." I said and wiggles my eyebrows, I got another small smile.
"Shea gave me that nickname."
And I could tell by the look on her face that she really did not like Shea.
"You have a beautiful name."
I smiled and checked the time and then whistled.
"Chop chop, little one. Gotta get you back to school."
Her face fell and she walked out the door. I wondered then if school was the problem or going home was a challenge for her. On the way to school her mood darkened further and further, who ever had her next class was in deep shit.
"We have another session tomorrow, but after school."
I said holding her arm, she nodded and grabbed her back pack and left without saying goodbye. My heart silently constricted, she was closed off to me again. I sighed, life was unfair, I was born into money I don't want, she was born into a loving family turned to a nightmare. After clearing my duties at my desk I stood up to leave and found out my little princess had detention, I smiled. I walked into Mrs. Dino's class, she was sitting at her desk reading while Aroura was rigorously writing at her desk.
"Diana, Hanson asked me to come get Aroura." I said walking into the room, Diana eyed me and flicked her head over to Aroura. Aroura packed her things and when we got to my car she turned to head home.
"Woah.... Woah Aroura."
I said as she struggled to get out of my hold. I pulled her into my car, she cried in my arms, I was tempted to cry with her but that would have been unprofessional. She sniffled a while and sat up, then I started my car and drove her to my house. When we got there she headed straight for my living room and curled into a ball on the sofa, I let her sit there while I cooked dinner, she came in while I was dishing up, her eyes puffy and swollen, I gestured to the stool, she sat and we ate in comfortable silence. After dinner I took her upstairs, while she showered I cleaned the kitchen, I took out my old pajamas and took a shower myself, I found her sitting on the bed staring blankly. Once we were tucked in my bed I stroked her raven hair till she fell asleep and for once in a long time, I went to sleep peacefully.
I woke up refreshed, strangely, Aroura was still asleep, she was tiny for a 13 year old, and oh so beautiful. I was getting attached to this girl but I didnt care, it would hurt later after I helped her and she went back to her family. She stirred and sat up, I got up with her, she hugged me, I kissed the top of her head.
"Let's go make breakfast."
I said and pulled her with me.
"Isn't your aunt worried about you?"
I asked because I had called and left a message.
"She's like you, she's paid to care only you do it better."
I laughed, I knew that was going to haunt me.
"Okay. Finish up, you need to do your homework, and then we go buy you some clothes."
"But its Saturday."
"Don't fight me on this young lady."
She rolled her eyes at me.
After an hour she handed me her books and went off to eat ice cream.
"You know that's not good for your teeth."
I said while taking a spoon full and walking away.
"Look who's talking." She shouted back, I laughed.
"Hey finish up and go shower." I said and went to go shower myself.

The mall was busy for a Saturday but it was almost 4th of July so people had things they wanted to get.
"When is your birthday prin..."
"Why do you call me that?" She asked cutting me off.
"Because its my very own nickname for you."
"For someone who doesn't care you do strange things."
I laughed.
We started at a corner store named Jewellery Box.
"What should I get?"
Her eyes were shining with happiness.
"Anything. Go crazy."
And she did, it was wonderful seeing her so happy. Next was pants and t-shirts and after much convincing a couple of dresses then some ice cream and we headed home.
"Had fun?"
"Yes, but my room at home can't hold all these."
"Keep them here then. You can visit on weekends."
She started crying.
"Princess, that wasn't said to make you cry."
"No one is ever nice to me."
"Wait till your birthday."
I said and wiped her tears. Her birthday was on the 20th July. I was going to make sure it was her best one yet. I loved kids, I loved them more than anything. But I could never....
"Rose, what's wrong?"
"Nothing kiddo. Just wondering how I'm going to survive the week without you."
She smiled, she had such a lovely smile, it lit up the room and made her even more prettier. On Monday we said goodbye and Friday she came over, that was our routine, sometimes I even went over to her house to help with home work, she still hadn't shared anything about her situation at home but I think she was getting there, she had started talking about herself more.
After lots of investigating I found out that Shea was just her foster mother, the poor girl had been surrounded by lies. One day she didn't come to our usual meet up spot, I searched the whole school, I felt that something was seriously wrong. I drove over to her house. She had just had her 14th birthday, just us surrounded by ice cream and presents. I knocked on the door, no one came, I tried the knob and it turned. I heard a strangled cry in the bedroom so I called the police. I burst through Aroura's bedroom door and I found a man twice her sized fighting to get her pants off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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