Best Friends? Pleasee were more than that! (Louis FanFic)

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Emma's P.O.V.

I jumped on Loui causing him to fall on the couch. We both laughed. I took my phone from him and kissed his cheek playfully. 'Thank you!' I say and get off. Louis had my phone because this boy i USED to like texted me. Please, im 19 for goodness sakes, why would i worry about getting a text from someone i useeedd to like. 'Whatevs!' Louis said. 'Ello!' Harry said coming into the room. 'ELLO GOVNA!' i yell. Yes. I am random. Just like Louis. Thats why were besties! My name is Emma. I have light brown hair and deeeep blue eyes. and i have a few freckles which Lou and Haz think is funny so they call me ConnectTheDots or Ladybug. Honestly though!? Im 19 and yeah, the rest is history. 'Ello!' Louis calls. 'Tea and crumpets anyone?!' I say. 'Aha.' Harry laughs. 'Lets have lunch yeah?' Niall says coming in. 'YESS IMMM FREAKING STARVING!' I practically yell. 'Goooooood! CUZ ME TOO!' Niall screams back. I just remembered to check my phone. The text said something about lets meet up. Pleasssee you had your chance. I drop my phone like no big deal and fall on the couch dramatically. 'What aree you doing?' Harry asks curiously. 'Falling on the couch what the hell does it look like im doing?' I ask. Niall bursts out laughing. 'Whats sooo funnny!?' I ask. Harry laughs. I look at Lou and raise an eyebrow. He shruggs. 'YOU SOUNDED JUST LIKE LOUIS!' harry yells out like its obvious. 'NO NEED TO FREAKING YELL!' i yell back. Harry and Niall laugh and Lou just shruggs again. 'Stop shrugging!' I say. 'i sorry!' He says. 'Dot dot dot.' I say. 'Stop dotting!' Lou yells. I run to Harry and hide behind him. Niall falls on the floor and laughs. He looks all red. 'Niall....' I trail off. 'Emma.....' Harry says. 'Harryyyy......' Lou says. 'Ahahahaha L-louuiss.......' Niall says through fits of laughter. 'Hey guys im starving can we go-' liam says coming in. He takes a look at Niall on the floor and looks directly at me. 'What?!' I ask. 'Did you beat him to the floor again Emma?' Liam asks. 'Noo! He beat himself to the floor!' I say. 'Mhhm...' Liam says. 'VAS HAPPENING!' zayns says coming in. He looks at Niall and looks at me questioningly. 'DID YOU LAY A FINGER ON MY BOYFRIEND AGAIN!' Zayn yells. Niall starts laughing and so do i. 'Hey! Hes my boyfriend!' Liam says. 'No!' 'Yes!' 'No!' 'YESS!' 'NOOO!' 'hes my boyfriend.' I say boringly. 'Pleeeaasssee!' Liam and zayn both say looking at me as if i just turned into a strawberry. 'Seee watch!' I say walking over to Niall and giving him a peck on the lips. 'Noww, hes my boyfriend!' I say. This was usual bbehavior. I always kissed the guys. Except for Lou....hmm that would be interesting. 'She took Nialler!' Zayn whines. 'Lets get her!' Zayn says. 'Its on like donkey kong!' Liam yells. 'SUUUPPPEEEERRRMMMAAANNNN!' Louis yells getting in front of me. I laugh. 'Guys, theres enough Nialler to go around!' Niall says spreading his arms out. I laugh and hug Niall. 'Yhusjbdh' zayn made a noise that was not human......aha. 'Niall your taking my girl!' Harry yells at Niall. I laugh and stand next to Harry. 'Ehh urmm Emma can i talk to youu!?' Harry asks. 'Yes! To the end of the rainbow!' I yell and we both walk out of the room. Yeh thats the end of the rainbow for me(; 'Soo uhh i was uhh wondering if you urm wanted to go out like on a date??' Harry asks nervously. I smiled. Harry was super cute and i guess i would try it out. 'So is that a yes!?' He asks nervous. 'Yeah buddy!' I say. Harry smiles realllyy big. 'Lets go yeah?' I ask, we had a silence. 'Yeah, so tomorrow at 6?' He asks. 'Noo! 6 is too boring!' I say. 'Urm uh then what time?' He asks. I thought about it. '6:01 and 3 seconds!' I say. 'How boht just 6:01?' He asks laughing. 'Cool wit me!' I say. We walk back into the room and all the boys are silently looking at Harry and I. 'Whatt?' He asks. 'OHH EMMA MARRY MEE!' Louis says in his best Harry voice. 'Did you guys listen!?' Harry asks angrily. 'No, DID YOU REALLY ASK HER TO MARRY YOU!?' Lou asks surprised. 'Lou are you really that dumb!? Of course i didnt!' Harry says. 'Oh...I was seeing Harry Jr. Running around.' Louis says. 'No! I dont want to name my kids Harry im naming them Beavis and Butthead and then Darcy and Elaina and yeah.' I say. 'Beavis and Butthead!?' Harry exclaims. 'Yeh.' I say. 'Noo! Not Beavis and Butthead, Stewie and Beavis! Youd have more variety of cartoon names.' He says. 'Ohh! Clevveerr!' I say. 'Yes! Veryy!' Harry says. 'Are we really having this convorsation?' Liam asks. 'Yes, Liam, yes we are, AND YOUR GOING TO BE OKAY WITH IT!' i say/yell. 'Okayy okayy!' Liam says putting his hands up. 'Yeh thats how i like it.' I say. Harry and Lou both look at me. 'Dirty minded fellas.' I say. Everyone laughs.

A/N Okayy! Soo neww story! Comment Vote Fan!

Dedicated to Pizzaluver for giving me the insparation! (: aha shes a greeeaattt, i meann greeeaattt writer and i recommend you check out her stories! (:

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