shut up and drivveee(:

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BTW the name Alexa is not based on me aha its one of my friends, i know awkward since my names Alexa its funny because i have a friend named, Gianna and a Friend Names Alexa and the characters arent based on me so yeah aha if u dont get this A/N just ignore it...)

Emma's P.O.V

it wasnt awkward anymmore. Thank God. 'So where exactly do u guys wanna go?' The driver asked. 'Uhum i wanna go to Narnia, will u do that for us Buddy?' Louis asks. I laugh. 'Do u think Azland will welcome us?' I ask. 'Please who wouldnt welcome us?' Louis says and smiles. 'I mean do u think they would welcome Emma?' Niall asks. 'Awe who wouldnt welcome this cuteness?' Louis asks and pinches my cheeks. 'LooLoo dont pinch my cheeks or ill kick u in the balls.' I sya sweetly. 'Aha ok.' He says and lets go of my cheeks. I smile sweetly. 'Umm can we go to the movie theaters?' Liam asks. 'Sure.' The driver respnds. 'Wait are u sure you wanna go there because then maybe there'll be fans and...' The driver trailed off. 'Shut upp annddd driiivveee(;' i joked. 'Sorry Miss Kate.' He says not getting the joke at all. 'No! Dont apoligize best buddy! Im just messing around.' I say. 'Oh ok Miss Kate.' He says. 'Best Buddy we do not call eachother by our last names, My name Is Emma.' I say. 'Ok Emmaline.' He says. 'Your kidding? No just call me Emma!' I say. 'Ok sorry, emmali, Emma.' He says. Yeah my name is Emmaline Josie Kate. Its stupid I know. 'Ha Emmaline sweettieee!' Louis Mocked me since he knew i hated that name. 'Oh Lou Honey remember dont pee your bed.' I say in his moms voice. Everyone laughs and Louis turns red. 'Um i had nightmares ok.' Louis says and looks down. 'Ok then the movie theater it is.' The driver says and turns around and continues driving. 'You two are soo immature.' Liam says. 'Liam, babe, you know you love me.' I say and smile cutely. 'Mmm yeah i guess.' He says. 'Aha yeah....' Alexa says. I look over at her and she's all red. Liam puts his arm around me and hugs me since he was now next to me instead of Alexa. Harry was next to Alexa Louis was next to Zayn and Liam was next to me. Niall was next to Alexa too. Harry was just sitting there all quiet. Alexa looked like she was going to burst into tears. Louis and Zayn were talking to eachother and Niall. Well he was eating ahaha. 'Okay guys were here!!' The driver called. Alexa got up and opened the door quickly getting out. That was weird. Harry was next and then Niall, Louis, Zayn and then it was just me and Liam. 'Yeahh go first?' He says. 'ok.' I say and walk out the door he walks out behind me closing it. I look ovver and Alexa was next to Louis, Louis had his arm around her shoulder. For some reason i felt jealous.. i never feel jealous. 'Ok so what movie?' Zayn asks. 'How about Magic Mike?' I suggest. 'No.' Alexa says. 'But i thought you've been wanting to see that movie?' I ask. 'No not anymore.' She hisses. 'Oh ok...' She was mad reallllly mad, but the thing is i didnt know why. 'Um how about Men In Black 3?' Liam suggests. 'Yeah whatever.' Alexa says. The boys walk to the ticket ordering thingy. I grab Alexa's wrist and pull her over to the side. She yanks her hand back, 'Dont touch me.' She says. 'Whats wrong?' I ask. She starts tearing up. 'I-i just dont know, its like Liam doesnt like me!!! Everyy time i like a guy he never likes me back!! Am i ugly? Is that it!? They always like you back! Always its not fair! It hurts when you hug Liam! And i bet you my life that he likes you instead of me!' She says. I hug her shocked. Alexa was always confident and she never cried. She must realllly have feelings for Liam. I sighed and let her cry. 'Its ok. I'm sorry. I'm sure he likes you!' I reasure her. I may be Immature loud and childish but i knew how to listen and i definitely wasnt going to let her just cry. Poor Alexa. I felt bad because well her ex beat her. Her other ex cheated on her. And its just its like no ones perfect for her. I felt sooo bad. Aw. The boys starting walking to us.'Theyre coming back.' I say. She lets go and wipes the tears away. Good thing she wasnt wearing make-up today. 'Ready to watch the movie?' Louis asks. 'Yeah.' I say quietly and we walk in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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