An early dissmisal

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Roy was dissmised early and thought of going to the comic store to get some ideas for his upcoming  comic. He bought about 4  comic books . When he got home , since he like animals he started sketching a girl welshi corgi.

 When he got home , since he like animals he started sketching a girl welshi corgi

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He started with the basic actions of dog like stand, look away , and a belly rub.What should i name CRING CRING CRING. Hello,(Jared) You left your filecase here at school come get it i'll wait for you and remember it's a Friday.When he was on his way he drew a  girl siberian huskey , girl golden retriever , a boy english bulldog,And especially the girl welshi corgi that are the pets of the girl named Natalie, a student, Artist, animal lover , and always always cared about her hairstyles.Thank you Jared see you on Monday.Roy hot back home about 6:00 pm and his pets are not eating yet . Like The Girl english bulldog Cookie , a boy Labrador named beigy , a girl pug named mochi.He began naming the dogs ,the corgi is lilac , The siberian huskey named gray , A golden retriever named fluffy ,and an english bulldog named Wrinkly. He finished until chapter 5 and it was 12:30 pm already and his pers are waiting for him to
sleep. When he went to bed his pets were comforted and slept fastly.At the morning he was starting chapter 6. When he reached chapter 8 his fresh goass of cold orange juice fell on his phone making his comics wet his pets rushed and tried to fix his problem while roy is going back with a hanky. When he got back his pets were gone and he got a wierd reaction to his body and felt like a magnectic force from him to the comic book.Until he got closer and closer and closer.
What will happen next 😮 ? Will Roy finally meet Natalie and get sucked into his comic book? And where are his dogs? In yhe comic book too? Find out by reading the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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