Planss are Ruined!!

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Quentin POV
Hey tanner why do you suck at playing the x-box
Tanner: I don't Tristan does tho
Quentin: your right about that one😂
Tristan: hey. I'm sitting right here
Tanner: it's true tho and hey is for horses
Tristan: shut up. Will you help me with a video
Tanner: what is it about
Tristan: your going to let me do your makeup
Tanner: hell no
Tristan: why
Tanner: I don't wear makeup and I have to shoot for a video
Tristan: fine I will ask Taylor
Tanners POV
Come on Quentin time to do a P.O. box opening
Quentin: ok what are we doing it in
Tanner: tea
Quentin: great
Tanner: you have to talk in a British accent
Quentin: I don't think so
Tanner: ok Quentin

Kate's pov
I wonder what tanners doing.
Chris: probably filming
Kate: your probably right. I'm going to text him
Kate: hey tanner r u filming with Q or Dylan?
Tanner: I'm about to start with Q
Kate: ok I will ttyl
Hey Chris want to go out somewhere
Chris: I'm hanging with Tess bout you welcome to come
Kate: where y'all going
Chris: to the mall
Kate: yea I will go

The mall!
I was walking around the mall and some of tanners fans came up to me.
Fan1: are you tanners girlfriend
Fan2.: yes r y'all still together
Hater1: no she's doing it for the fame
Fan1: no she actually loves tanner
Kate: thanks for having my back tan-clan
Chris: oh did I tell you Tessa is leaving
Kate: where she going
Tessa: I'm going to go start a career at team 10
Kate: omg Jake Paul
Tessa: looks like someone's a fan
Kate: yea
Chris: well I'm going to be sad when you leave
Kate: me to
Quentin pov
Hey mom what's up
Quentin's mom: it's your dad
Q: what do you mean
His mom: he's in the hospital. He's not doing good
Quentin: *starting to cry ok I will be there
Tanner: what's wrong Q
Quentin: it's my dad he's in the hospital he's not doing well
Tanner: I'm so sorry q I will take you to the hospital
Quentin: it was spouse to be a perfect weekend I was going to ask Brianna to homecoming
Tanner: omg Q I'm so sorry. Do you want me to take you to the hospital.
Quentin: yea
Tanner: ok let me text Dylan he was on his way here
Quentin: ok
Tanner text Dylan
Tanner: hey Dylan we have to go to the hospital
Dylan: oh gosh did you hurt yourself on the trampoline
Tanner: no Quentin's Dad is in the hospital
Dylan: I will meet y'all at the hospital tell Quentin I'm so sorry and I'm sending prayers to his family
Tanner: come on Quentin
In the car
Quentin: man I hope he is ok my dad is one of my best friend I don't know what I would do without him like he's the person I go to for advice he gives me the best speeches
Tanner: I will have to do is hope and pray
Quentin: *tearing up I know tanner I wouldn't to say thank you. You have always been by my side through everything and I want to say thank you
Tanner: no problem dude your my best friend that's what I'm here for you to help you get through those things. I'm here for you if you need to talk to me.
Quentin: thank you so much. I wonder how my mom is doing and my younger brothers. I need to stay strong for them specially my brothers they look up to me.
Tanner: hey Kate I'm taking Quentin to the hospital his dad is there
Kate: oh my tell him I'm hear if he needs to talk

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