Night hunters

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Most 15 year olds are in highschool, giggling and going shopping,i however am not one of those people. I'm an orphan, have been since i was two years old, vampires killed my parents when they finally got word of my arrival. My parents? You may ask, were indeed vampire hunters some of the most famous ones at that but that meant they had a lot of enemies,some of which were vampires. I live with my uncle who is not only mentally and physically unfit for taking me under his wing, but also is losing a battle with a lung disease he only has a few months to live, i never show my emotions infront of people that are aware of what im capable of it makes me look weak.

I was trained just like my parents from a very young age to kill vampires, i guess you could say i was part of a ''cult'' , a part of a group that specializes in keeping the dangers in the real world a secret from other humans. The vampires however, are not like they are perceived in the movies and books, they are cold blooded and sharp, they take lives without a second glance, though they are different ''types'' of vampires.

The most harmful ones are the ones with red eyes, the eyes get you, they hold you in a trance because they make you believe thats the onl thing thats there and you get held into them, like you would if you stared at the end of the world. And then SNAP, there jaws broke down into your skin and you would'nt have enough time to react excep for a small whimper and scream, these ones i suppose you could call them monsters, killed my parents and are still out to take me out.

The black eyed ones, are not harmless, but they don't kill unless nescascary, they usually lurk away from us, though they will kill us if we are on their territory.

The blue eyed ones, are...strange. Their blue eyes are different to normal ones, the colour and shade of the blue is mixed between a sunny day sky and a normal light blue, they seem to peirce into your soul, but they dón't really captivate you per say, just distract you. They are in the middle of the red and black eyed ones, because they act bi polar really, you never know if they are going to leave you alone or kill you, it depends on their thoughts of you i suppose. To me, a vampire is a vampires, all of them are just asking to get there heart staked.

Most of my life, is well, wrong in so many ways, though i do go to highschool. I still need an education apparently, though all i learn is that all normal people want is attention and thats all, so i give it to them but it usually ends up with me slamming them agaisnt a wall and threatening them...But i had to at least try not to this year and keep a low profile, some of the vampire leaders send in their vampires to spy on me and eventually corner me and go for the kill. Wouldnt that be my luck though?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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