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The frosted grass crunched beneath his feet as he made his way down the path. Birds tweeted all around him, a cheerful touch while doing something that made his heart hurt.

Jimin inhaled deeply as he arrived at the familiar stone, sitting down and placing the flowers in front.

"Hi, Hobi," he whispered, his voice already shaking. "It's me, again. Today marks six years since we lost you, and. . . and not a day goes by that I don't miss you. It's still so hard, Hoseok, without you. B-but I'm working on it."

He sighed and wiped his tears away, taking a moment to calm himself.

He smiled to himself, preparing to reveal one of two truths he needed to tell Hoseok. "I-I went to the doctor the other day. About my eating, or lack thereof, I guess. Anorexia. But I got a therapist, and I'm working to get better, I promise. Yoongi's helping too, he's making sure I eat on a regular schedule. That sorta gets me to my second secret. The scary one."

"When you died, I lost the sun. It was dark and deep and I couldn't find my way out. B-but Yoongi was there for me, after he came back, at least. He helped me and comforted me and some nights he wouldn't sleep because I needed him to breathe.

"Yoongi brought the colour back, Hobi. Slowly, first the sky, then a few more little details."

"Losing you, my sunshine, was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. But Yoongi, he became my moon, my light in the dark."

He smiled softly, the wind ruffling his hair. "I still wear the promise ring, everyday, but he doesn't mind. He knows he can never replace you. He would never try to, either. But. . . I'm in love with him, Hobi. I am. He's not a replacement, but he's something new and something that makes me so happy. We've been together for two years, but I was so scared to tell you. I-I want to ask him to marry me, isn't that insane? I mean, we've known each other for thirteen years, so it's not absolutely crazy, but we've only been together for two years," he paused, aware that he was rambling. He was also aware, however, of the genuine smile on his face as he did so.

"You were never one for waiting, so I think you would tell me to do it, right? You'd probably kiss my cheek and tell me to go get him," a happy tear trickled down his cheek and he wiped it away, looking up at the sky to help blink the rest away. "I think I will. He makes me happy, Hoseok. It doesn't hurt when I'm with him."

He glanced at his watch and realized the time. "I should get going, then. We're having a date night, and I think I'm gonna ask him."

Jimin pressed his fingers to his lips and placed them on the top of the tombstone. "I love you always, Hobi."

And with that, he walked away, a weight off of his shoulders and a real smile on his lips.

This was not a goodbye. He had moved on, yes, but Jimin would keep his promise. The one he secretly made to himself on the night of their first anniversary- he would never let Hoseok go. Ever. He was too big and important of a part of Jimin, for him to ever be able to let go. Hoseok gave him a forever in a year. There's no way Jimin could ever forget him, the brightest light he'd ever known.

Jung Hoseok gave him sunshine, but the day, like all good things, came to an end.

And Park Jimin, well, he learned to love the moon.

The End

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