Chapter 5

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Valerie's POV

Today was the day I would get to pick my dress out for the wedding.

I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower.

I got dressed and put makeup on just to try to cover the bruises on my face.

"Where are you going?" Paisley asked me.

"I have to go tell Mrs. Lisa that I won't be going to work today." I told Paisley.

Mrs. Lisa is the owner of the café.

"Can I go with you?" Paisley asked.

"Yeah, But we have to go now so we can be back in time to get ready for dress shopping. Pattie will be here at 11am." My sister nodded and went and got her shoes on.

"Good morning, Valerie. Why are you here early? Your shift doesn't start until 12 today." Mrs. Lisa told me.

"I know, I came to tell you that I won't be able to work today." I told her.

"Why? Is everything okay?" Mrs. Lisa asked worried.

"Yes everything's okay. There's just a lot happening in under a short amount of time." I gave her a weak smile.

"Valerie, Why are you here so early?" I saw Hailey come out from behind Mrs. Lisa.

"I came here to tell Mrs. Lisa that I won't be able to work today." I walked up closer to Hailey.

"Why?" Hailey asked.

"Valerie, we have to go." I sister tugged at my arm

"I'll explain everything later, I promise." I told Hailey after being dragged out of the café by my sister.

We got back home and quickly started getting ready. It was already 10:45am and we are running late.

I put on a black casual dress with black sandals. I left my wavy hair down.

*Knock knock knock*

"That Must be Pattie." I said to my sister.

When I got in the living room my mother had already opened the door for her.

I went up and gave Pattie a hug. So did my sister.

"Are you ready to look for a dress." She asked me

I nodded even though I was half lying.

"Good. Then let's go." She smiled

A limo was parked in the driveway. I looked at my sister with wide eyes and she returned with the same look.

Pattie noticed our surprised looks and chuckled.

We pulled up at a huge mall. I've never been to a mall before. The driver opened the car doors and let us out.

We went into the mall and went to the wedding dress store.

There were wedding dresses everywhere. They were all so beautiful.

"What can I help you with today?" A brunette women came over to us.

"We are looking for a wedding dress for this young lady." Pattie smiled.

Sadly, I was the 'young lady' she was talking about.

"Okay. I'm just going to measure you so we can find the perfect dress for you. okay?" The lady smiled. I nodded. She went to the back of the store and told us to wait here.

She came back with measuring tape.

She wrapped the tape around my waist then measured how tall I was.

"I'm going to go to the back and pick out a few dresses and let you try them on." She smiled and went to the back.

I was nervous. The wedding was getting closer and closer. I'm only 19. I had my whole life a head of me. Now it's all gone. My dreams crushed. My life is ruined.

"Here's some of the dresses that i thought would look beautiful on you." I was snapped out of my thoughts when she came back with the dresses.

"Thank you." I muttered.

"Of course. If you need anything, I'll be right over here." I smiled.

I went to the fitting room and tried on the first dress. It was beautiful, not going to lie, but it just didn't look good on me. I walked out of the dressing room and showed Pattie, my mom, and my sister.

"It's beautiful Valerie." Pattie said.

"Do you like it?" My mom asked.

"I don't know. I just don't like how it looks on me." I said to Pattie and my mom.

"I'm gonna go try on another one." I said.

I tried on the other 3 dresses and didn't like them either.

"What about this one Valerie?" My sister showed me a dress.

I went into the dressing room and tried it on.

It was beautiful. It was strapless with a heart shape top. For the first time, I felt beautiful.

I went out and showed Pattie, my mother, and sister.

"Valerie, it's beautiful." Pattie said.

"Are you gonna get this one Valerie?" My sister asked.

"I want this one." I smiled.

My mother stood there with jealousy filling up in her eyes.

When we got home I was hoping Pattie would stay a little while but she didn't.

"I'll see you soon." Pattie told me as I hugged her

I nodded.

"Wait. What about the wedding?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm forgot to tell you. It's Friday." Pattie smiled.

"Okay. I'll see you then."

After we said our goodbyes my mom told me and Paisley to go to our rooms because she was about to call Pattie. She could have talked to her before she left but it was obviously something she didn't want me to hear.

My mother was talking to Pattie over the phone in her bedroom which was right across the hall from mine. So I couldn't help but to over listen to what they where saying.

"Hi Pattie, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yes, I think she liked the dress."

"I was wondering, You never told me the price for my daughter to marry your son."

"What!? One-hundred thousand dollars?"

"Okay thank you. That's all I was wanting you know."

"Bye bye."

$100,000. She was selling me off to this stranger for $100,000 All she cared about is the money. And it hurt me, knowing she didn't care about me or how I felt.

But once again, I'm used to it.


A/N: I feel so bad for Valerie anyway, how do you feel about the book so far? I hope y'all are enjoying it so far.

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