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3rd of August, 2018

I fluttered my eyes open. Strong sunlight came from the window, making me squint my eyes. I groaned and placed my arm over my eyes.

I sat up and gulped, reaching for the glass water on my bedside table, gulping down the water and putting the glass back again. I didn't remember leaving that glass there but I couldn't care less.

With my eyes half-open, I got up and headed to the bathroom, freezing once I looked at the mirror. My hair was dyed mint.

My heart beats accelerated. I'm a hundred percent sure that last night it was black. I never dyed my hair before. I caressed a strand of my hair between my index and thumb, rubbing it to make sure it was real, and it indeed was.

I stepped back and looked around before heading out of the bathroom and running downstairs. I heard noises from the kitchen.

My heart beats went even faster, knowing that I lived alone. In front of the stove, stood a woman, her back facing me. Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail and she was frying eggs.

I gulped and took slow hesitant steps towards her. She turned around and flinched. She gave me a small smile and put the eggs on a plate, a light chuckle escaping her lips.

"You scared me!" She exclaimed.

"Wh-Who are you?" I asked.

Her smile dropped as she placed the frying pan in the sink. "Did you read the sticky notes in your bedroom?"

I ran back to my bedroom, only realizing now that there were sticky notes stuck everywhere, on the walls, windows, my desk and my closet. I must've been too sleepy to notice them.

But there was only one on my bedside table. I picked it up and read what was written in my handwriting.

Read your journal, Min Yoongi.

Beside the note, was a brown journal, appearantly mine. I never remembered having it, though.

I opened the first page.

I'm Min Yoongi and I have anterograde amnesia. Simply, I wake up everyday not remembering the events before. The last thing I always remember is one of the days in June, 2015. And that was long ago.

I flipped to the next page.

I'll usually wake up to meet a really pretty woman. That's my girlfriend, Lee Su. We've been dating since after the accident with a month or so. The accident? 13th of August, 2015. I was 21. I was driving and got hit by a truck driven by a drunkard. Su and I met someday in September, I told her all about my condition and everyday, I fell in love with her over and over again.

(Head to the last written page)

I closed the journal and opened it from the back, flipping through the blank pages until I reached one with something written on it.

2nd of August, 2018.

I couldn't remember anything, like always, but I'm surviving. Lee Su seems really nice, I wish I could remember everything we did together. I hate that she has to deal with my corrupted state of mind.

I closed the journal. So today was the 3rd of August, 2018? I turned around and found that same woman, a sad smile on her face.

"You're Su?" I asked.

She nodded and walked towards the door. "Let's go have breakfast?"


A/N: woohoo! Finally I published this. I've been writing this for too long and wanted to finish it before I publish it because hiatuses are the worst

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