1: Boy Crush

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Myles POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open to a view of my mother smiling down at me.

"It's to wake up sweetie, you have school today." He soft voice sounded through my ears. I softly smiled and rose up in my bed. My mom smiled wider before turning on her heel and leaving my room. I looked at the clock beside my bed and saw the time

7:00 AM

I slid from my bed and walked over to my bathroom where I did my daily routine of showering, brushing my teeth and shaving. Once I made sure I was satisfied with my job, I walked out of my bathroom in towel and walked over to my closest to pick out my outfit for the day. I grabbed a pair of boxers and dark wash skinny jeans. I picked out a red and and black checkered button up.

I walked back into my bathroom and threw the town over the curtain rod of my shower. I got dressed then walked over to my sink where I started messing around with my hair, trying to get it to cooperate with me.

Once I was pleased with my look, I walked into my room and gathered everything I needed for the day. I made sure I had everything I needed for the start of the second semester at school. I grabbed keys, wallet, phone and headphones and then checked my phone.

1 new text message

I opened it up and saw it was from my best friend, Ashley.

Get your ass out here by 8!

I smiled and walked downstairs where my mom was sitting in the living room, drinking a cup of coffee.

"Have a good day, Ashley is already outside waiting for you." My mother said as I waved at her before exiting the house.

Once I entered the car, I was immediately screamed at.

"HOWS MY GAY LITTLE HOE DOING!?" Ashley screamed as her arms flung around me and her lips pressing against every inch of my face they could reach.

"Oh my god, do you have to be so loud?" I asked, pushing her away. She flipped her hair and pushed on the gas to propel us forward down the street.

"So, are you excited to see him?" Ashley asked me as we turned out of the small gated community on to the main road.

I smiled to myself. By him, she was referring to the biggest crush I had, Brandon West.

"Yes, I kinda am." I said to her. She squealed and then said something that made my face go completely red.

"Don't get a boner in front of me or I will cut that dick off and feed it to the dogs."

"Hey, I need that tho." I said.

"Oh please we all know you're 100% bottom." Ashley stated. I rolled my eyes at her. She wasn't lying to be honest. The countless dreams I've had of Brandon involved me being the bottom.

"Besides your pants are always way too tight, but they do show off that amazing bubble butt that I'm jealous of." Ashley continued. I smirked. That's one thing where I best Ashley with on guys, they always look at my ass because it's literally the perfect shape and size.

"Well if you actually did what I did for almost 13 years, you have this amazing ass too." I stated, thinking back to the horseback riding I did. She just rolled her eyes as we pulled into a parking stall in the school parking lot.

"Oh look there he is!" She stated. My eyes followed her finger and widened as I saw the most attractive guy ever walking across the parking lot with his two best friends.

Ashley immediately got out of the car and then opened my door.

"Get the fuck out." She said as she pulled my arm. I got out and she slammed her door shut.

"Don't do anything stupid this semester." I told her.

"No promises babe." She said as she pulled me by my hand across the parking lot and past Brandon whom she waved at, her keys jingling as her hand moved, he did typical nod and continued inside the school.

"Now, I'm gonna go find-" She was cut off when when our other friend, Paige came running from the office and jumped into my arms.

"Myles!" She screamed and began peppering my face with kisses.

"Oh my god, what is with you two and kissing me today?" I asked as I dropped Paige on her ass.

"Wow rude much!" She huffed before getting up.

"Beside I've heard some rumours!" Paige said as she looked me dead in the eye.

"Ok whatever you heard about what happened at the party it wasn't me!" I immediately said. Paige just laughed.

"It has nothing to do with the party! It has to do with your boy crush, Brandon." She said. My eyes locked onto her as soon as his name left her lips.

"What about him?" I asked. She smirked before motioning us in to get closer. Ashley and I leaned in and Paige's soft voice whispered in our ears.

"He's bi and he has a crush on a guy in the school."

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