New roomate...?

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Spoiler: Slenderman sends Ticci Toby to the orphanage to kill the kids there and he ends up rooming with you because you're the only person without a roomy.

Toby  p.o.v <in the orphanage office>

"So let me get this straight, the only room in this building that Toby can sleep in is (Y/N)! But she'll probably kill 'em," the carer Ms. Willian's shouted to another carer. She's ranting about where I'm going to sleep, the conversation is really boring, the one thing that got my interest was this (Y/N) girl.
"She'll just have to, Ugh I don't know!" The other one shouts back.
"We all know she's mentally unstable! She says she can see a tall faceless man that looks after her, she can't be trusted will this boy,"
"Let's just see how things go, ok? If she attacks him- no talks to him she's going to that asylum," the both agreed on that then turned to me, "sorry about that, uh you're going to be sharing with (Y/N) (L/N), she's a bit... Dangerous so just shout if she talks to you. We'll have a talk with her in a bit, feel free to wander about,"
I nod and watch them leave, probably going to talk to her. I followed quietly, listing to what they were talking about.

They went up to the attic, it seems there is a room built in it. They knock twice and enter, not waiting for entry. This is what I could hear:

"(Y/N), we need to talk about your room," Ms. William said (let's call MW), I hear a faint voice reply with
"Okay," she sounded so distant, so... Not here.
"Well, we have a new resident, and you're room is the only place he can stay." MW said,
"W-what? B-But Rosy h-has a spare s-space!" She protested weakly
"Rosy left last month (Y/N), and the new twins took her room,"
"O-oh..." She sighed, I heard the crack of a bone almost.
"(Y/N), we're not keen on Toby sleeping in the same room as you but he has to,"
"Now, if you so much as speak to this boy you will be punished. It may sound extreme but after your last roommate, we're not taking any chances!" The other one interrupted.
I hear the girl sigh
"I u-understand. I w-won't talk or t-touch him, I can't p-promise they w-won't though, and I d-didn't hurt the other one!" She replied sadly
"Ok, well be going now. Nice seeing you," the more polite one said, and then they turned to the exit, were I am.

I start to walk up the stairs, acting like I just got there. I pass the two careers, they both smile at me and continue walking. I was about to walk into the room when I heard the girl talking.
"Offender I didn't h-hurt her! You guys s-saw me..." She says, to someone called offender.
"We know (Y/N), but they don't," I hear someone say, another one says, "we won't let them hurt you again,"
"But what I-if he d-doesn't like me, he'll p-probably think I'm an f-freak," she says, sniffling.
"I highly doubt that, if he's got any sense in fashion or girls he'll think your normal!" A different voice says, making her laugh. "Trendy, what does fashion sense h-have to do if he thinks I-I'm normal?"
"You never know!" The one called trendy says. After that it's silents. I use this as I chance to enter.

I knock on the door and hear a faint "come in,". I open the door slowly to be greeted  by a girl, she has (H/C) (H/L) hair and (E/C) eyes. The thing that socked me the most is that she was in a straight jacket on her bed

Your p.o.v

A boy walked in, I'm guessing he is my new roommate. And in case you're wondering why I'm in a straight jacket, the careers put me in it for the first night. Just incase I try anything. I looked up at him, he had orange goggles and a mouth guard on, a grey hoodie with blue strips on the sleeves and hood. Also some jeans on. I quickly looked away and moved to the corner of my bed, which is the corner of the room.

He probably thinks I'm a freak
Yeah a mental freak
He's probably going to scream
They kept talking and talking and talking. They won't shut up.

I bring my legs up to my chest and burry my head in them, trying to hide my face.
He's staring at you, you see freak F.R.E.A.K.
"Please shut up," I mumble, not too loud, hoping he wouldn't hear. Of course, he did.
I hear footsteps come towards my bed, I just closed my eyes and kept mumbling 'shut up' to myself. The boy stops when he's beside me and crouches down so he's level with me, I just stay silent hoping he wouldn't talk. He reached a handout and touched my shoulder, I whimpered at the touch and tensed. It was clear after two seconds he wasn't going to go away so I just took it, I still don't look up from my legs though.

"Hello I'm t-Toby," he says ok this may get confusing because of everyone's stutter.
I simply nod in my knees and continue arguing with myself.
"I'm guessing y-your (Y/N), am I r-right?" He asks, I nod again. He sighs and let's go of my shoulder, I mentally sighed in relief. That was cut short by a pressure on my left of the bed, someone sat next to me.
"Why are y-you in an s-straight jacket?" He asks
I shrug my shoulders, not wanting to look up.
"Want me t-to take I-it of?"
I slowly look up and shake my head, if MW found out I don't have it on she'll lock me in my room without food or anything for a weak again. Toby sighs again and stares around the room at all of my drawing.
"Your a good drawer," he says, looking at everyone but the ones above us.
I stay silent and stare at the door, wanting spender or anyone to bust in and take me away.
"So... Where am I going to sleep, there's only one bed...." (A/N I'm going to stop Toby's stutter/tics. It's less hassle for me)
"I'll s-sleep on t-the floor," I reply sheepishly, still staring at the door.
"Oh ok, wait. No I'll sleep on the floor,"
"N-No, it's o-only right if I-I do. I-I've slept o-on it before," (let's say your talking really quietly for this whole conversation)
"I insist!" Toby protest
"Why d-do you want t-to sleep on I-it anyway?"
"Because....." Toby couldn't answer.
"Let s-settles it, I'm sleeping o-on the floor," I mumble and get up of the bed.

I sit down in the other corner and struggle against the straight jacket.
"Bloody thing, they s-should know I wouldn't hurt a-anyone again," I mumble, trying to get comfy, " I mean cmon! These things are so fucking u-uncomfortable,"
I hear Toby chuckle from the other side of the room, I look up at him. He's sat on my bed facing me.
I go back to struggling, muttering curses here and there.

After five minutes of trying to get comfy I finally get in a good position, I sigh and start talking to myself again.
"Bloody thing, where o-offender when you need him! J-Jesus," "I mean what a fricking straight j-jacket going to do t-to someone t-that sees things! It's not like it's stopping me from d-doing anything,"
"It's stopping you from sleeping," I look up to see Toby still staring at me, I'm the same spot, in the same position.
I shut up, not wanting to disturb him.
"Still don't want me to take it off?" He asked, I shook my head again. He sighed and lay down on my- er his bed.
I stay silent until I can't hear him tossing and turning and sit up.
"Slendy, he's asleep y-you can come out n-now," I whisper-yell to my closet, where a tall figure comes out of.
"You know, he can still be awake," he said, walking up to me and sitting next to me.
"He a-already thinks I-I'm mental, who cares?"
"It seems you do,"
"That's o-only because I don't want an a-another person to hate me in this d-dump," I sigh and lean my head on slendy
"Child, you seem tired. Go to sleep,"
"I've just r-realised now that I-I've got a roommate, I c-can't talk to you guys that often anymore," I yawn, wanting to sleep but really wanting to talk to slendy.
"Well, you'll just have to wait until he goes to school, you are online schooled now,"
"I know," I mumble "slendy do me a favour and be my pillow?"
I hear him sigh and pat my head.
"Okay, lay down then,"
I do as he says and lay down, putting my head on slendy's legs. Using them as a pillow.
"Your t-the best p-pillow," I mumble and drift off to sleep.

Toby's p.o.v

I heard the whole conversation.

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