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Tessa POV:
I can feel myself hyperventilating. That is until someone puts their arms around me. I start coming back to reality. There was shots in our school. I look around and see I'm in a restroom and I can see Chance locking the door into the restroom. I look up at him and cry. He comes over to hug me and calm me down. "You're gonna be ok Tessa" he reassures me. I can't stop crying I just lean into him and think of what could be going on.
Chance POV:
As I hold Tessa I think why is this happening to Tessa? "Do you wanna talk about what happened earlier?" I ask her. She slowly nods her head crying. "This weekend...." she begins to sob "m-my best friend. She committed." She cries out and I hug her tight and whisper into her ear "it's gonna be ok" she pulls out her phone still in my arms and texts Erika.
Tessa's Texts:
To rik😂💗
T-Are you ok???? Please answer me. I'm with Chance in the bathroom.
Off texts:
Tessa whimpers and hugs me tight dropping her phone but not looking away from it. Erika isn't responding. Tessa cries into my shoulder because if whoever is shooting up the school hears us, we're dead. We sit staring at the message and the word mocks us "typing". I turn off the phone and hold Tessa to my shoulder. My crush is scared to death right now and I'm not sure what to do.
Tessa POV:
I grip tight to chance. Erika was typing. What if she got hurt? I cry into chance's shoulder and pull out my phone again. I'm going to text my mom this time. As I text my mom I cry uncontrollably and as I shake I let out a sigh of relief because i receive a notification that Erika texted me.
On texts:
E- we are good. The gunman was just in the room next to us. You could hear the screams and the shots. T it was horrible.
T- I'm so sorry. Please keep me posted.
Off texts:
"They good?" Chance asks. "Yes" I reply. I can feel him ease up a bit knowing both his best friends were in that room as well.

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