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Back Story

In an alternate society the word 'love' is everything. It is the most valued entity of all feelings.

People are born with a clock on their wrist, called 'Tempus' latin for time. The Tempus has a certian number of days, hours, and even seconds. Once the clock runs out of time, you meet your soul mate. The one who will hold you, love you, and care for you.

When you find your amor (Latin for love) the woman must stand by them and obey the male. Of course girls have rights, but not many.

This story is about a girl who is .... lets say different? While all her peers obessess about meeting there amor, she does not. I mean she cant because well she was born without a clock. This girl must keep the unbearable secret to her self. If anyone were to find out other then her grandmother. The echoes would surely have her head.



Ok new story! I have no clue were Im going with this so bare with me! Just a start and if you like it I will write more.

Tempus- Clocks on wrist

Amor- Soul Mate

Echoes- The government.

Clicks- The police

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