The Werewolf and I

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Chapter 1

"Brenda we are running late come on". My mom says from downstairs. I say nothing and keep packing and look at the room. The room I first got a boyfriend with while doing homework. I had fun here by watching movies and texting each other. At that time it was the best place ever. Until my dad got a stupid job in Tennessee.

I now have to leave everyone except my boyfriend. We broke up after two years of us being boyfriend and girlfriend. It broke my heart and swore not to fall in love again. I wish we didn't have to leave. I have to admit though this place is very crappy. It is still the best place to be. Just as I am about to leave with the last package from my room I take a long look at it. So many memories here that I just don't wanna go.

I then look away cause I know I was about to cry. I go downstairs and walk out the door. I take one last look at the home I used to live and love.

I walk out into the car and wait for my mom and dad to get into the car. After hours of waiting we finally start to drive away from the place I used to love. I put headphones into my ears and fall asleep.


4 Hours Later...

I wake up to my mom shaking me awake. "Honey we are here". I get out of my seat to see the new house we are gonna live in. It was a two story home. It was a plain White House with a tan look to it.

We start to unpack. The things we put in the moving truck is supposed to get to us tomorrow. I walk in to see a plain place with blank walls and nothing on the floor. Spotless. Mom goes over to a door by the kitchen. It opens up a bedroom with a king size bed. "Yours is upstairs". Mom says. I walk upstairs to see a spotless room.

I walk up to the bed and fall into the bed. It was almost midnight and I had to take a pillow and small blanket out of my suitcase. I then finally drift off into sleep.

Me and the WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now