14: Game Over

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We sat on the bed, pizza box between us. Tina asked me questions about Jack and the whole deal with him. I tried to be as honest as possible, avoiding telling her Lydia's name and summarizing the story as best as I could.

"What a douchebag" she said biting her slide of pizza and looking at the semi-empty box. I smiled and nodded. I couldn't agree more.

We ate the whole box and then realized we had nothing to drink. I offered to go buy something and she agreed, choosing McDonald's as we walked to the car. I nodded thinking to myself that by now, I'll give her anything she wants.

She ordered a Mcflurry and a big soda and I got an apple pie and a medium soda. After that, we drove around, not really knowing where we were going. I didn't want this moment to end.

There was a song on the radio that Tina was humming to, I turned the volume up and looked at her humming and moving her head to the beat. She was so unaware of how extraordinary she was. She didn't go around gossiping about someone else, I don't think she even cared what was going around her if it wasn't to one of the people she cares about. I wanted to be inside that circle, I wished I met her in other circumstances.

"A penny for you thoughts" she said looking at me with a smile. Her eyes were shining, her cheeks pink and her lips were pink because of the coldness of the ice cream. I smiled and took my eyes off the road for a moment to look at her.

"I wish I met you before" I said and her cheeks turned even more pink. I smiled and looked at the road again. She didn't say anything and I didn't expect her to.

I usually don't speak my mind. It's safer that way. When you open up about your feelings and deepest fears, people use them against you and in the end, you only get hurt. Until you feel safer with a person and you give them everything and you hope for the best, but the best never comes and they hurt you anyways.

We talked about family, a topic I wasn't really fond of but I was opening up a little bit. Tina deserved it. Then we talked about relationships and she confessed that she broke her first and only boyfriend's heart. Poor guy. I discovered that her birthday was October 31st and that her mother arrived at the hospital dressed as skeleton and the hospital team had to clean her up because she was covered in paint. Including the belly.

We were around Miami Beach, the streets were partially full and the lights of the bars and restaurants were shining. Tina was looking at the window absently. We had very long period of quietness but somehow, they weren't uncomfortable.

Around 12 am, I drove her back to her dorm, walked her up, kissed goodbye and drove home. We agreed to meet up tomorrow morning to take her things to her new apartment. Tonight had definitely been amazing.


It was game day and my dad couldn't have chosen any better day to call me and be a motherfucker. I deserved it for literally stealing from his company but I needed the money. He didn't have to talk to me like I was one of his employees, which I was but first, I was his son.

"Dad, I get it, okay" he kept screaming while I drove Tina's in Julian's red pick-up truck. I needed to remain calm, otherwise it would totally ruin my day with Tina "dad, I gotta go" I said and he just shouted like ten curses "bye dad" I hung up and only heard him saying to go immediately.

I parked in front of Tina's dorm and texted her to let her know I was here. I went up and knocked on the door before walking in. All the boxes were piled up by the door and there were three suitcases on the bed.

"Hey!" I greeted her with a big smile "Hi" I greeted Tina's roommate, I've seen her before in parties.

We started taking the things down to the truck. She was surprised to see the red truck instead of my car in front of her building. We got everything on the car in about ten minutes and drove to her apartment immediately. It wasn't that far from her dorm. The car ride was quiet and without incidents. I've been doing really good at hiding my anger.

The elevator wasn't in its best conditions but we were able to get most of the things on it. When we got to her floor, it made a loud shirring sound and the doors didn't open for a few seconds. After that, it stopped working. I got the rest of the stuff up and then we crashed on her sofa.

We ordered food after debating what was better, Subway's chocolate chip cookie or Taco Bell's fries, Subway won just because Tina was craving honey mustard chicken and chocolate chip cookie.

She went to the bedroom to unpack while I stayed in the living room waiting for the food.

Helping her with moving and seeing her so happy about living by herself made me want to share it with her in a more intimate way. And that thought made me think of what big of a pussy I was. Before Tina, I was okay by kissing any girl and not really committing to anyone. Now, it's all about wanting to share every fucking breathe with her. God, I was so screwed up.

The food arrived and I went to get Tina from the bedroom. She didn't notice when I stepped in the doorway and it wasn't until I cleared my throat that she looked up and realized I was there.

"Food's here" I announced looking at her attentively and waiting for her in the hallway.

We ate in the living room and talked a little bit. I offered her to come to the game again but she declined and I could understand why. We joked about how I was going to get the spare room and she told me that I'd have to fight for it with Jason and Olive.

I cleaned the living room after we ate and kissed her goodbye, apologizing for having to leave but Ivan was calling all of us for practice and warm ups.

"I'll see you tonight" I said leaning down and kissing her again. She smiled and nodded.

I drove to the house and changed as fast as I could. I threw some clothes on my gym bag and left it on top of my bed ready for later.

I got to the campus in five minutes, just in time for Ivan's pep talk.

"Okay, guys" he started "tonight is about winning, either we win or we give up our spot as number one team of the State" some guys cheered "tonight we have a rough game because as we all know, the other team has it against us since last season when we took the championship from them" he paused, making it more dramatic "tonight" he said a little louder "WE WIN!" he screamed and everybody cheered on.

We walked out into the field and started the warm ups. Nothing to exaggerated or big, enough to get the blood pumping and the muscles ready.

Half time, and we were winning. The crowd was wild tonight. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Tina. I wished she came.

"Blake, head in the game" Ivan shouted as we ran back into the field. I nodded rolling my eyes.

We won and everybody from the bleachers walked down to the field to congratulate us. Jason and Olive were here and both of them smiled at me from afar.

I ran out of the field and drove as fast as I could back to the house. Before getting inside the shower I snapped a picture and sent it to Tina.

 Before getting inside the shower I snapped a picture and sent it to Tina

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I got inside the shower and heard a notification from Snapchat. When I got out I saw that she took a screenshot. I smiled and sent her a message.

B: if u liked it that much I could've sent it to you through here, no need for screenshots ;)

She didn't answer but I could picture her mortified face with red cheeks.

I smiled and looked up to the ceiling.

"What have I done?" I asked waiting for a miraculous voice to answer.

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