Not Enough

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He sucked in a breath, biting down on his lip to keep it from shaking. He pressed the cool metal against his skin, squeezing his eyes shut as blood prickled from the new cuts.

It's not enough.

He opened his eyes, watching as he found a new patch of clean skin, before pressing down harder, and swiping faster. He gasped, but continued to do it until he was shaking so hard that he dropped the used and bloody razor.

Not enough.

He shakily picked it back up, going down to his thigh. He moved in long, fast motions, letting tears fall down his cheeks, not bothering to wipe them as they fell down his shirt. He was dizzy now. He couldn't see straight and he was numb.

His eyelids were heavy, not even bothered by the warm liquid puddle around him. He just wanted to rest. He was tired of being awake. He was tired of being alive.



He grinned, running a hand through his messy fringe, picking up his phone to see if it was who he hoped it was- it wasn't. He frowned, dropping his other hand to his phone and typing a quick message to the girl who texted him.

Why wouldn't the person he had been talking to all day text him back? They had been texting for hours, over a hundred texts in two hours. He didn't understand. Yeah, they had been talking all day.

But it wasn't enough.

Louis- Are you there, mate? You disappeared on me, you're not sleeping again, are you?

Even an hour after that he wouldn't reply. Was he ignoring him? Did something happen? Did he not pay his phone bill? Louis didn't know, but he was going to find out.

Maybe not right that second. But he would find out.



He was still awake. He was just too weak to get up, or even move, in that matter. He couldn't sleep. It burned. He didn't bother to clean the blood that was pooling around him, he didn't care.

His phone went off multiple times, but he didn't dare throw a glance at it. It was him. Niall would cry if he talked to him right now. So he just sit there on the bathroom floor, not making a sound, not moving a muscle.

When the doorbell rang, he jumped, causing him to moan in pain. When he heard the door open, he rushed to get up, closing the bathroom door and locking it, of course, having major difficulty turning the lock, due to the way his hands shook.

He stepped over to the tub, turning the water on. "Niall? Are you in there?" A voice spoke. "Yeah." Niall croaked, tears filling his eyes up. "Are you alright? You haven't texted me back." He said.

"I-I'm okay." Niall said, turning the water off as it rose to a certain height. "I'm gonna wait out here, okay?" Niall nodded his head, even though he wasn't able to see it. "Okay." He spoke.

Niall let out a shaky breath, pealing his boxers off, then slowly stepping into the hot water, gasping at the contact to his fresh cuts. He squeezed his eyes shut, slowly sitting down, gripping the sides of the bathtub as he got used to the heat.

Next, he added his arms, biting his lip and letting his head hang down, eyes squeezed shut. Once he was used to it, he slowly rubbed the dried blood from his arms and legs, ignoring the soap that was begging to burn his cuts.

Once he was done, he washed his hair, then got out of the tub, shakily drying himself, gently. His face fell as he realized that his clothes were stained with blood. He picked them up, putting them in the hamper, ignoring the blood left on the floor. He'd clean that, later.

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