5 • I found you, again

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"Congratulations to us!" We clicked our glasses together, smiling very happily. We weren't allowed to drink, not that we wanted to. So we're drinking apple juice instead.

After dealing with Bambam, I went back to my dorm seeing my unnies preparing some food and setting it on the table. They said that they planned to surprise me which I don't understand why they would do that since we achieved this together. But whatever.

"For many more happy years together!" Rosé cheered, taking a sip from her glass.

"Happy but very tiring years Rosie." Jennie rolled her eyes laughing. She wasn't wrong. Even though we're happy now it won't always be like that. Honestly this is just the beginning.

"Yah! This is a happy moment for all of us." Jisoo scolded Jennie who just laughed it off. "Let's not worry about the future right now. Today and at this moment we are finally celebrating our very long awaited debut." She clapped her hands very happily and we joined in laughing with her.


After our small celebration we cleaned up the place and went our own separate ways. When I say separate ways I mean talking to your family on the phone. I can't really do that because of the time differences, so I decided to take a stroll.

Some people had recognised me and asked for a picture but I had to decline. We weren't allowed to take photos just yet so I gave them a autograph instead. They were happy but I know they would've preferred a photo, maybe next time.

I took a seat under a tree near the park, looking up at the stars. Beautiful.

I closed eyes humming to myself. Happy was not the right word to describe my emotions right now. I'm overwhelmed, blessed, ecstatic and many more emotions. I did it. After all the tough training and the sleepless nights I finally did it. Along with my unnies of course.

I smiled to myself and I probably looked like a fool in front of anyone who would walk past but I couldn't care less.

"So it is you." I opened my eyes seeing a man wearing a black hoodie, jeans, mask and beanie standing in front of me. I tilted my head in confusion. Is he a fan?

"You're probably wondering who I am but maybe this will refresh your memory." He cleared his throat before saying, "That's for me to know and you to never find out."

My eyes widened.

I knew who he was alright.

How does he even still remember me?

Just as I was about to speak he interrupted me saying, "Well I found out." He took his mask off smiling brightly at me. Even under the night sky I could still clearly see his smile. I mean it is kinda hard to miss.


He smirked at me crossing his legs and sitting down in front of me. "That's your name." He poked my forehead probably very amused with my reaction.

"You made me wait for you for 11 months, basically a whole year. You know how many times I went to the mall hoping I would accidentally meet you again?" He explained smirking.

"You tried looking for me?" I tilted my head at him. Now it was my turn to smirk.

He turned his head trying to avoid my gaze but failed and sighed. "Okay. I admit. I did try looking for you again, but can you blame me? Did you actually think I would just let it go and pretend that I didn't meet you?"

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