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It's the dead of night. you hear a loud beeping and dull flashes of red hit ur closed eyes then "aaahhhhh" katherine screams "no no no stop that get out nooooo" she slams her hands angrily on her computer desk "urgh" she sighs and falls back in her chair with arms crossed. a faint shadow moves through the hallway then an arm appears at the side of casandra's desk "here take these and calm down." her friend luciel passes her 4 small gingerbread biscuits and a packet of her favourite crisps "you really should stop playing that and get ur work done that client is getting impatient." he says lightly, she shuts down the game and begins to work while eating. luciel starts making his way to the kitchen to get some water but then he gets a text (unknown:"you don't have long left if this deadline isn't met there will be consequences.") luciel sighs "another pissed client she needs to start working quicker." he whispers to himself. the sound of typing and biscuit crunches stops and casandra rushes towards luciel to tell him she is finished. he quickly puts on a smile and walks her to her room as always. her head hits the pillow and within seconds she off to sleepy time junction. luciel tired and bored starts to tidy the messy desk and then head to his bed and falls asleep. then the computer monitor switches on and flashes of red reflect off the walls. a skull shows up on the screen with a faint beeping that fades into the night... [To be continued]

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