First Meeting Zane

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Numero uno of my stuff....

there's a lot of parts planned

But keep in mind, requests are still open!



While Aphmau is chatting away with everyone at the lunch table- Katelyn, Travis, Dante, Laurance, Garroth, etc -your eyes wander.

Another freshman sits across from you, he turns the page to his book. His ice blue eyes scan the page.

Aphmau had introduced you to everyone but him. Which made you wonder why.

Maybe he isn't part of the group?

But, then again, she said hi and he grunted back.

Someone elbows you.

Turning to look, you're met with Nicole, who wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. 

You must've been staring.


"Like what you're looking at?" She teases, you squint your eyes at her. Although, you can feel your face heating up. She smiles.

"I'm just curious who he is." You mutter, turning back to your lunch. Which is turning less and less appetizing.

"He's Garroth's younger brother." Nicole says, you let yourself look up, and just when you do, he looks up too.

Quickly darting your eyes away, you cover your face. Nicole laughs from beside you.

"Zane, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), say hi." She says, you uncover your face to see Zane glaring at Nicole.

"Hello, (Y/n)." He says, then goes back to reading, turning the page again.

"You're welcome." Nicole whispers to you, you turn to her, and throw your hands out in a choking motion.

She laughs and pushes your hands away. Then she turns away fully to go bother Dante.

You look up again at Zane, and he's staring at you. Squinting, to be more precise.

"So, what're you reading?" You ask, leaning on your hand.

It takes him a moment to reply. Then you realize he was staring past you. Not at you.

Maybe he would see better if he moved the hair away from his other eye.

And if he were to remove the scarf from his mouth...

"Why're you staring at me?" He asks, you blink twice before focusing again.

His face was red. And telling from how hot yours was, you must've been red too.

"I-um... Nothing." You say quickly.

Smooth (Y/n).

Suddenly, a white flash of light comes from your right. You try to blink it out of your peripheral vision before you try to choke whoever caused it.

Looking over, you spot Kawaii~Chan with her phone. She only has a second to squeal and show Aphmau before you jump up. You weren't the only one, Zane did too.

You both bolt for Kawaii~Chan at the same time.

Kawaii~Chan's eyes widen, and she screams and turns around, running for her life.

"Kawaii~Chan!" Zane yells angrily, he runs ahead of you.

And you, were actually surprised he could run so fast.

Especially with the hair in his eyes, you'd think he would've run into someone- or something -by now.

You two eventually corner Kawaii~Chan. She holds the phone to her chest.

"(Y/n)~Chan can't have it!" She yells, Zane rolls his eyes- or... eye, you stick your hand out.

"Hand it over Kawaii~Chan. Or you'll have to do my algebra homework for the rest of the year."

She considers this for a moment, "No way. Kawaii~Chan already has enough homework of her own. No way Kawaii~Chan is doing it for (Y/n)~Chan."

Zane looks at you, you shrug, "Worth a shot."

He rolls his eye again, then turns to glare at Kawaii~Chan, his voice going deeper, "Kawaii~Chan. Give me your phone. Now."

"No! Zane~Kun can't have it! Zane~Kun doesn't intimidate Kawaii~Chan because Zane~Kun only has one eye!"

He squints at her, "What did you just say?"

"Kawaii~Chan said," She drags out the word, "Zane~Kun has one eye."

"Oh that's it." He growls, then launches at her.

"If Kawaii~Chan can't have it, no one can!" She yells, then chucks her phone.

You jump up and manage to grab it. Cheering, you tap rapidly, trying to turn it on.

Zane lets Kawaii~Chan go, she leaves down the hall, in a fit of laughter that seems to bounce off of the walls.

"Well?" Zane demands, "Turn it on."

"What do you think I'm doing?" You sass, "I'm trying."

"Let me see it." He says, you pass the phone over and cross your arms.

He tries to turn it on a couple of times, and when he opens his mouth to complain, the phone explodes into glitter.

It showers over the two of you, and most importantly, it gets into Zane's mouth.

He couchs and sputters, trying to get it out of his mouth. You start laughing.

"Not. Funny!" He yells, choking, then gagging.

"I-I'm sorry." You laugh, holding onto your stomach and bending over. "B-but you pulled d-down the scarf at the p-perfect time- and... and- you look so good in glitter."

He grumbles something, starting to walk down the hallway and back to the lunchroom. You follow behind him, laughing loudly at how much he shimmers when the right light hits him.

=-= Bonus Scene =-=

"Do you think I actually look good in glitter?" 

"Well, instead of glitter, we could try sequins."

"Forget I asked."







~ Quinn 


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