01-Im not a baby

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Yugyeom:"JB" says half sleeping,his eyes just opened 2 minutes ago

JB:"Yes Yuggie??" He said smiling to the boy like he is smiling to a little baby

Yugyeom:"Where are Jinyoung hyung and Bams?? They werent in the house for the whole day"

JB:"Oh they went to the store Yugie. They went 5 minutes ago" starts laughing at the younger "you were sleeping"

Yugyeom:"Oh okay" Youngjae enters the room "YOUNGJAE HYUNG WILL YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH ME?!?!?!" Yugyeom says really happy that someone can play with him

Youngjae:"Ugh go play with Bams"

Yugyeom:"But he is at the store" Yugyeom says sad. He is always sad when BamBam is not around. They are best friends,they have a special connection. They knew eachother since they were little. Yugyeoms dad used to work in Tailand,so he would come and visit him every month. Thats how he met BamBam. They are inseparable. Yugyeom always knew he feels something more for BamBam. But he always ignored the feeling

Youngjae"Ugh fine"rolls his eyes cause he hates playing games with Yugyeom. When Yugyeom loses a game he punches people. Ofcourse BamBam isnt bothered by that, he would do anything for Yugyeom. Other people dont stand that. BamBam knows Yugyeom is a handful,but he takes care of him as best as he can

Yugyeom:After losing the game punches Youngjae

Youngjae:"AUW YUGYEOM"

Yugyeom:"Sorry"says with his innocent voice,belive it or not, Yugyeom was innocent. They all called the 2 youngest boys 'babies'. They didnt like that so much thought,but they handled it

*BamBam and Jinyoung enter the dorm*

Yugyeom:"BAMSS IS HEREEEEEEEE" he runs in a hug

BamBam:"You missed me so much huh"

Yugyeom:"COME PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH MEEEEEE"he pulls his wrist and leads him to the tv

BamBam:"YeS!!"he loved playing games,but only with Yugyeom,it was special that way. He knew he loves Yugyeom,,but he was afraid that if he tells him he will start hating him and they wont be friends anymore. He couldnt live without him,Yugyeom was his everything,he couldnt lose him. Anything,anyone,just not him

*Mark and Jackson start eating their faces on the couch*

Yugyeom:"Can you be quiet?? And Jackson hyung stop doing that to Mark huyng. And stop with the noises my ears hurt" 'Yugyeom is so innocent.. and so stupid' you must think. He really was innocent. But hey,he was 16. What could he possibly know?

JB:"Mark come here"Mark comes to the table in the kitchen "stop doing that in front of the babies. I promised their parents ill keep them innocent until they are 20 you idiot" he yelled quietly

Mark:"Well excuse me for loving my boyfriend"

Jinyoung:"Well excuse me for enjoying Jaebums—"


Jinyoung:"Heyy my name is Jinyoung not Junior"

JB:"Ye ye whatever Junior"

BamBam:"can you guys stop arguing?? Im trying to beat Yugyeoms high score right now" he said trying to piss him off

Yugyeom:"HEYYY" he said punching BamBams chest. I gotta tell you this guy punches hard. But BamBam had to stand it. He just had to. If it was anyone else,he would ditch the person off after the first hit,but with Yugyeom. Its different. He cant hurt his precious little Yugie

JB:"Yaaah enough. Now go to bed its late" he said with a harsh look,still angry at Jackson and Mark

Yugyeom:"But its 11pm! Im not a baby"

BamBam:"Yes you are" he said teasingly

Yugyeom:"Well if im a baby youre a baby too"

JB:"yaaah enough you 2. You are both babys now go to sleep"

*the 2 went to their room sad. they didnt like when they called them babies. they didnt mind themselves babies.. they closed the door behind them and started watching a movie. Yugyeom loves horor movies,but he always hides behind BamBam. He is too scared*



Yugyeom:"Do you think im a baby?"

BamBam:"Ofcourse i do, youre my little Yugie" he said moving Yugyeoms hair from his eyes

Yugyeom:"But im not a baby!!!"

BamBam:"Its okay Yugiee,its just youre the youngest here,so they all think that they should look after you. Its not an offence,,, they just call you like that cause they think you desirve to be treated like that,cause we love you and we dont want you to get hurt in any way" he said,almost losing his air. He thought everything he said. He loves Yugyeom,and everything he said,was everything he thinks

Yugyeom:"No one takes me seriously" his eyes were on the edge of crying,he really wanted them to take him seriously. BamBam was the only one that did... somehow

BamBam:"Yugie shut up. We all take you seriously.. just not everytime.."



Yugyeom"Can i tell you something?"

BamBam:"Sure Yugie. You know you can tell me anything"

Yugyeom:"But promise me you wont tell ANYONE" Yugyeom really didnt want anyone to know his secret

BamBam:"Ill keep your secret"

Yugyeom:"I like this guy... Actualy im not sure if i like him or not... But if i tell that to the others,they would say 'im not aloud to date cause im a baby'" he says acting JB. If JB saw this Yugyeom with be in shitty trouble

BamBam:"Its okay... ill keep your secret. Dont worry" he said sad. He didnt want Yugyeom to see he is. 'I love Yugyeom and now he likes someone else?? No one can take my Yugie away' he repeated in his head. He almost cried. He really wanted to,but he couldnt do it in front of Yugyeom. Then he will find out his feelings for him. And we dont want that to happen... at least BamBam doesnt..

Yugyeom:'ugh why cant he love me back.. i wish he looks at me the way i look at him.. i wish he loves me the way i love him...' he says in his head. He loves BamBam a lot,but he is not sure if he loves him back. Well,in that way

*they fell asleep watching a movie. yugyeoms head on bambams chest,bambams hand around yugyeoms neck. they fell asleep dreaming about eachother,but thats just a dream. At least they think so*

JB:comes to see if those 2 are asleep "fuck" he wisphers into his chin

Jinyoung:"Aww they are so cutee" he says quietly so he couldnt wake them up

JB:"Shut up idiot" he was frustrated,but hey, dont blame him, he is the one that has to handle 6 childish idiots, right? "They will obviously fall in love like this. Thats how it happened to Mark and Jackson and look where they are now"

Jinyoung:"oh just let them be. They desirve to fall in love,they would look so cute together" wow Jinyoung really ships those 2 huh

JB:"Hey we fucked up with those 2 do you want to destroy their innocence too?"

Mark:"heyyy this is how we fell in love and we are completely normal" he jumped out of nowhere

Youngjae:"Aw i wish i was Yugyeom :/ BamBam takes so much care of him and loves him so much... NO ONE LOVES ME"

Mark:"Aw Youngjae youll find someone special.. Eric is free and needs love :))" wow Mark why so pervert

JB:"Goddamnit Mark shut up. Shut up all of you" he was pissed

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