03-youre the only one that can stop it

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Yugyeom:has a horrible nightmare and wakes up all sweaty and horrified. He dreamed about BamBam moving back to Thailand and never coming back. He had to go to the army. He died there and never came back. Ofcourse he felt relief when he realised it was just a dream,but it felt so real when he was sleeping

BamBam:"Yugie are you okay??!" He really takes care of Yugyeom like he is a 5yrold

Yugyeom:"Yeah,i had a nightmare,,,, Bamsie can you close the window,,,its cold" he said while freezing. But the problem was the window was closed,and it was warm in the room

BamBam:"Wha... uh you must be sick" he says while placing his hand on Yugyeoms face. He was burning "ugh jesus you have a fever... its okay go to sleep... wait ill get you medicine" he went to the kitchen and searched the cabinet for any medicine... he found,,, nothing

JB:" Bams what are you doing" he rubbed his eyes,,,BamBam woke him up. And ye Jaebum is just so parenty and he lytrl wakes up on someones step on the floor "its 4 am go to sleep"

BamBam:"Yugie has a fever so i wanted to give him medicine... you know the hello kitty pills you give us when we are sick" okay so i take that back Jaebum is TOO parenty(does that word even exist? Idk my brain is stupid xD)

JB:"oh my god,,,, okay just let me find them" he searched for a key and wai wai wai.... a key?? Okay Jaebum youre overreacting

BamBam:"What do you need a key for?" He was curious cause Jaebum was opening a fucking medicine cabinet with fucking keys

JB:"Ohh the medicine packages are sharp so i locked them so you 2 cant get hurt" okay so this is too much Jaebum slow down they are 16 not 5

BamBam:"Just give me the medicine"

JB:"Noo ill do it,, you go to sleep"

BamBam:"Ugh just go give him that he is f— burning" he stopped himself in the middle of the sentence cause Jaebum would probably slap him if he cursed

*they walk into the room and Yugyeom is sick as hell. He almost passed out*

BamBam:"YUGIE" wow bambam thinks he will die bravo bambam

JB:"Here you go,and Bams dont attack the kid" he gave him the pill

Yugyeom:"Ugh hello kitty? Again?" He isnt a baby okay

JB:"Cmon you love those" Yugyeom drinked the pill "and wait what are you doing in bambams bed?" He was curious... and worried (but tf jaebum they are too stupid and innocent to like fuck eachother jees slow down your hormones)

Yugyeom:"Oh we we-re watch-ing a movi-e last nigh-t so i fell aslee-p" wow Yugyeom if youre so bad at telling the truth how horrible are you in lying?

JB:"its okay,just get in your bed and sleep" 'OFCOURSE ITS NOT OKAY JAEBUM WHATS NEXT THEYLL FUCK EACHOTHER?' Wow Jaebum they are not babies

BamBam:opens the door and hops on his bed

Yugyeom:"Jaebum hyung,can i please sleep with BamBam in his bed? You know i have nightmares when im sick. Pleaaaaseeee"

JB:"How bout you come to my room?" Oh my god Jaebum you cant protect them forever the poor kid just wants to sleep in his bed jees

Yugyeom:"But you know only Bams can stop my nightmares!"

JB:"Okay okay.. but i want you 2 asleep in 5 minutes. Dont even try watching movies okay?!" Jaebum is frustrated and worried when it comes to 'the babies' he thinks they will stay little kids forever. I mean they are not kids anymore likee jees. Okay so Yugyeom and BamBam are 16 and he thinks they are 'babies'? The hell Jaebum the hell. But hey he cant make a mistake as he made with Mark and Jackson,right?

*he got out of the room and went to the living room. Frustrated cause he thinks theyll do something.. wow how stupid huh?*

BamBam:Hugs Yugyeom "Yugie? Are you okay? Are you feeling better?" He was worried about Yugyeom.... a lot. When Yugyeom is sick he overreacts a bit... a bit too much

Yugyeom:"yeah. But im really tired. Can we go to sleep now?" He rubbed his eyes

BamBam:"sure. Good night" he was dissapointed. He wanted to show something to Yugyeom. But,i guess another time?

Yugyeom:"good -aaah- night" he yawns

JB:opens the door of their room "uh" sigh

Jinyoung:Comes out of nowhere "dont kill me for this but they are really cute together"

JB:"Shut u- okay okay i admit they are cute together but.. its not happening"

Jinyoung:"Yeah... Just comfort yourself"

JB:"Says Junior maddly" tEaSeR

Jinyoung:"I hate you" -_-

JB:"I love you too"

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