Rainbow Ops - The Shot.

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(the following conversation takes place over radio)

I've got the shot! -R3

Don't fire wait for Echo, Three. -R1

But the b*stard's right in my scope! What does it matter if we break regulations, dead is dead! -R3

Release the trigger, Gabe! -R1

Buzz, Sir, If we don't drop 'em now, they might just escape before Echo even arrives! -Gabe

Corporal! Drop. The. Trigger. NOW! -Buzz

But, Sir!  -G

Stuff it, Corporal! We wait... -B

 -------   -------   -------           

Sir? -Gabe

Yes? -Buzz

Remember the question I gave you earlier?

You wondered if we actually were saving lives?

I know that we're saving lives, I wondered if the lives are worth saving?


Pardon my manners, Corporal, but that's a sh*t question!

Sorry, I just... what if the person we save may cause something worse in the future? Y'know, like the butterfly effect, one beat form a butterfly's wing could cause a tornado on the other side of the globe.

Like I said, that's a sh*t questi--

*Static* This is Echo....we're taking...enemi...lots o- *Static*

Echo? Echo! Do you copy, over!! -B

You heard 'em boss they won't be getting here anytime soon and the Tangos down there won't be staying here much longer! -G

You can't possibly be serious... -B

Oh you watch, I'm serious!

Don't do it, Gabe!

Too late, Sir...

...I'm taking The Shot!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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