Asa Swan [Character Form]

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Name: Asa Swan 

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Decade: 1940s

Appearance: Asa, in appearances, is not very stand-outish at first glance (or any glance thereafter, really). Common is the sunburnt skin upon his cheeks, and everywhere does his general build seem to be, in any young man that may be glimpsed at in the street. Sure, the strength of his cheekbones is a nice refresher, and the dull color of his excited eyes is a little off - a crisped brown - but otherwise, he blends with any other black-haired, five-eight man registered for the draft. 

Personality: Now, as for behaviorisms and mentality, things get along quite uncommonly. Soft-spoken, but not necessarily quiet; energetic, but not exactly the sort to hurdle a table for the hell of it. He can often be found in some daydreaming slump, caught up in some swingers tune and snapping his fingers to the thought of it. A coy smile may make its way to someone who doesn't understand the context of what he's said, and a wriggling of the eyebrows may dot a joke that's not his. His personality is made up of the "little things," essentially, and he likes it that way.

Background: Born early in 1920, life kicked off high, caught in the era of flappers and an insatiable energy. Always, he, his parents, and two older sisters, had lived on Ohioan farm soil, and not once would they leave it, not even when the lively times of the 20s began to back down and the stock market crashed. Asa had the great misfortune of having to live through the recession of the 30s, of extending his home to family from the surrounding area, and of spending day and night working the land due to his inability to get a job that would take him. That was quite alright, however, seeing as the extended family took to the city of Dayton for more industrial jobs to reel in money while he and a cousin worked tirelessly on the harvest (to eat, not to sell). Things began looking up when things began looking down for Europe; with the war effort of the 1940s growing to a head, his family was able to take and hold new jobs, and their own little farm had become a thing of patriotism. By 1941, Asa was so moved by the war that he registered for the draft as soon as he was of age, and the events of December 6th that year no doubt spurred him on. Three years later, and he's hardly been sent to action; the only thing keeping him on edge is the existence of a sweetheart back in Dayton. 

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