Chapter 1

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Aalia's POV

I see my phone buzzing next to me on the couch, so I pull out of the kiss with Nathan. He gives me a pout face. I roll my eyes and laugh then pick up my phone.


"Ali? When are you coming home?" My mother's voice asks through the phone.

"Maybe later." I say.

"Alright, well Chelsea went into Labour, Hunter just took her the hospital. You can either come home or go to the hospital, but keep under a low profile." She informs.

"Ok, I'll tell Nathan. Bye mum." I hang up the phone. Nathan tries to kiss me, but I push his face back with my hands.

"Chelsea went into labour." I tell Nathan.

"Oh let's go then. We'll go see them at the hospital." Nathan frantically gets up. I put my phone in my pocket and follow him to the car to go to the hospital.


Chelsea's POV

"Congratulations. It's a boy." The nurse says holding up my little boy. She takes him to get cleaned up. I look at Hunter and he seems happy, really happy.

"Khaison Jacob." I say to Hunter.

"It's a great name." Hunter smiles. The nurse walks back in with Khai in a blue blanket. She hands him to me and I craddle him in my arms. Once everyone clears out of the room Hunter and I talk.

"Who's last name does he get?" I ask Hunter.

"It's your choice." He smiles.

"He it basically yours just not biologically." I tell him.

"Give him my last name if you want be he is yours." Hunter tells me. I think about it a little.

"Khaison Jacob Malik?" I ask him, smiling down a the little boy. He squirms a little, but I'll take that as a yes. "Do want to hold your son?" I ask Hunter. He gladly extends his arms and holds Khai.

A nurse walks back in with a clip board and a pen. "You need to fill out these details for the birth certificate." She hands me the clip board and the pen. Some of it is already filled out though. as in the weight, gender and the height but I fill in the rest.

Child’s Full Name: Khaison Jacob Malik

Mother: Chelsea Marie Ross

Before I put in the father's name, I take a minute to ask the nurse a question.

"Does the biological father's name go in this box, because he isn't around anymore. I was raped." I whisper the last part.

"Oh dear. Just the father that will take full time care and custody of the baby." She tells me. I would hate for my baby to know that he was an accident, but he will eventually be told that Hunter isn't his biological father.

Father: Hunter Zack Malik

DOB: August 30th 2030

"What time was he born?" I ask the nurse. She checks a clip board at the end of my bed.

"4:42pm." She informs me.

TOB: 4:42pm

"Ok done." I and her back the clipboard then Hunter hands Khai back to me. The nurse leaves again, so it is just Hunter and I. I know I should atleast call my mum and step-dad, but I don't really want him around my baby. They do need to know that he exsists though. Before I go to tell Hunter to call our parents there is a knock on the door. Hunter gets up and opens the door to reveal Aalia and Nathan.

"Hey guys, why are you here?" Hunter asked them.

"Mum called me." Aalia answers. They both walk in and close the door behind them. Aalia leans across the bed and plays with Khai's finger, as he looks at hr and Nathan.

"What's his name?" Nathan asks.

"Khaison Jacob Malik." Hunter says proudly.

 "That is so cute." Aalia coos over Khai.


Aalia's POV

Just seeing liitle Khai makes me wonder, if I'll have a boy or a girl or what they will look like. It's pretty exciting stuff. Soon enough my parents show up to welcome in their grandson. Wait, that means I'm an aunty! Chelsea's mum and step father shows up but Chels won't let them hold Khai.

"Why can't I hold my son?" Her step father asks.

"Because he isn't your son, the father is who ever raises the child." Chelsea says. Soon enough he gives up. Both him and Chelsea's mum disappear. 


*2 days later*appointment*

Nathan and I have been so excited about this, he even slept over last night. Mum and dad bought Hunter and Chelsea there own little apartment, which is just down the room. Chelsea finally gets to bring Khai home today.

We wait patiently for the doctor to call us in, my leg won't stop shaking that how excited I am. Nathan just places his hand o my knee to stop my leg from shaking.

"Miss Malik?" A doctor walks out with a clipboard. Both Nathan and I stand and follow him down the hall into his office. "How are you?" He asks, closing the door behind him. I sit on the edge of the bed and Nathan in th chair next to the bed.

"All good." I simply reply. If I say more then a brief sentnce I will probably stutter and squeal.

"Ready to find out the gender?" He asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I smile. He turns on the machine and I lay back on the bed. He grabs a bottle of gel and then I move my shirt up. He rubs it onto my baby bump as I shiver because it is really cold. He pulls out the camera stick and starts to move it around as the screen lights up with the picture of my baby.

"There it is." I feel Nathan squeeze my hand. I just smile to myself at how happy he is to be a father. I feel a tear come from my eye. A happy tear though. Nathan notices and wipes it away with his thumb.

"Ready?" The doctor asks. Both Nathan and I give a small nod.

"Alright, It's a..." He squints his eyes to study the screen a little closer. "It's a..."



Oh damn, I'm getting good at these cliffhangers. So there you go. Khaison!!!!! Cutie!!!!!!! What will Aalia's baby be???

There is the start to the sequels squeal :) Enjoy xx

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Erin xx

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