Chapter Three~ What Am I Doing?

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Ayano's P.O.V all story

Ayano: I promise, Osano! I fell over and then got up then tripped on my foot then.... fell on him......
Osano: *Looks at Megamo who is blushing*
Megamo: *Looks at Osano and glares*
Ayano: Please believe me!
Osano: F-Fine BAKA!
Ayano: *Giggles* Okay, go to class I'll meet you at lunch. I have to stay here to work, okay?
Osano: *Nods*

Osano left the student council room

Megamo: *Blush slowly fades away* Er.. are you okay?
Ayano: Err... huh? Y-yeah

I feel dumb! What happened? I swear I didn't trip on my foot... then what did I do? I can feel my face burn up with redness! Oh dear... Megamo's staring at me...

Megamo: Don't worry about it!

This isn't funny anymore!! I feel stupid!!! Huh... Megamo caresses my cheek.

Ayano: Megamo? *Blush intensifies*
Megamo: S-sorry... *Pulls hand back*
Ayano: *Grabs hand and puts it back*
Megamo: Huh... wha?
Ayano: Shhh....
Megamo: ......

I could feel as if someone were watching us.

Ok. I lied! The rest is 3rd person

Ayano: *Whispers: Is there a camera outside?*
Megamo: *Whispers: Yes, why?*
Ayano: *Whispers: May I look at it?*

Megamo raises and eyebrow but nods.
Ayano looks at the camera footage and sees that Taro Yamada was stood there at the door staring and glaring daggers at Megamo!
Ayano gasps...
Megamo: Hm? What's up?
Ayano: He... Taro... was stood outside watching us and glaring daggers at you...

And at that moment... Taro burst through the door

Taro: Oh, Wow! You're very smart Aya-chan
Ayano pulls out a knife.

Megamo: Wha?
Ayano: MEGAMO!! GET OUT!!! OR YOU'LL DIE! *Runs up to Taro*
Taro pulls out a knife and they clash. Megamo runs out the classroom and runs to the school nurse, Taro's teacher and Ayano's substitute teacher.

Ayano and Taro clash knives with each other.

Ayano: Nghhh....

Ayano grips her side whole blood runs out as if it were in a hurry.

Ayano: Fftt ouch...
Taro: Aya-senpai! I just want me as your own! Nobody in my way

Taro holds out his arms and drops his knife.
Secretly, Ayano hides her's in her skirt.

Taro: Please be mine!
Ayano: *Walks over and hugs him* Okay... But one thing... *Pulls our knife and goes to stab him*

Before Ayano hit him an arm grabbed hers.
Megamo: What are you... your side... is... TARO!!!!!!
Ayano: It's fine!! I'm... *Faints*
Mido: Mujo! Take her to your office!

Mujo nods and grabs Ayano in his arms. Megamo glares daggers at Taro.

Taro: What? She's supposed to be mine! *Smiles*
Mido: Why would you stab her?
Megamo: Because he's a psychopath!

Taro just laughs.
Taro: You couldn't be any more wrong!! I'm not a psychopath! I'm a Yandere! I kill for love! *Gets ties up in handcuffs* Get your grubby hands off me!
Megamo: Yours probably aren't any cleaner. You murderer!

Osano runs past the Student Council office to the Nurses office
He knocks on the door.
Osano: May I come in?
Mujo: Of course, Osano!

Osano gasps at the site. Ayano smiles weakly and starts to wince at the pain

Ayano: Hey, Osano.
Osano: Who?
Ayano: Taro
Osano: No wonder! He's a crazy person...
Mujo: *Nods* There you go... all rapped up... Ayano... *He winks*
Ayano: *Giggles* Thanks, sir!

Ayano and Osano walk out the office and walk to the roof.
Osano: Are you sure you're okay?
Ayano: Yes! I promise! *Smiles*
Osano: *Thinks: She's never smiles like that! She rarely smiles anyhow*
Ayano: Hm? Something wrong?
Osano: N- no... *I was staring at her... shoot*
Ayano: *Giggles* Well. Stop staring then!
Osano: Uh huh? Sorry....
Ayano: It's okay! No need to apologise!

Ayano's phone rings with her usual theme tune, 'Chained The Monster'(Hey Seduce Me!), and she picks it up.

Ayano: Heyo?
???: This Ayano Aishi?
Ayano: Uh huh... why? Who's asking?
???: Nobody important!
Ayano: Okay?? Goodbye then!
???: F-fine!!
Ayano: Heh! Who are you?
???: Yuno Gasai!
Ayano: .... huh!?!? YUNO????
Yuno: Surprise surprise!! I can see your crazy stalker is in here!
Ayano: Yeah... he is..
Osano: *Grabs phone* Oh, Hey Yuno!
Yuno: OSANO?? You don't sound any different! Pahhhh...
Ayano: Pshhhhh on the phone probably!
Yuno: Well! I better get going! Gotta but more people in jail boys! Baiiii!!
Ayano & Osano: Bye bye Yuno!

Osano: Wow! We haven't spoke to her in ages!
Ayano: Yeah!

Osano and Ayano get to the rooftop.

Ayano: It's empty? Hm...
Osano: Yeah... weird! *Heh! I made it 'out of bounds' so I can ask you out, Aya!*
Ayano: Mm hmm...
Osano: Aya?
Ayano: Hm?
Osano: I have a question....
Ayano: Y... yeah? What is it??
Osano: Well... *Rubs back of neck* will you be....
Ayano: Your girlfriend?
Osano:..... yeah...
Ayano: *Runs up to Osano and hugs him* Of course!!!
Osano: ....
Ayano: *Smiles*

Osano captures his lips to hers and they both quiver with desire as they kissed.

That was amazing! This is Ayano by the way!! I just wanna say that next episode MIGHT be explicit!! Sorry about that but the author said she was in a mood *Smiles* Tee hee!! Byeee

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