Chapter 4

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Laying in alone,  in my cold dark isolation of a room, blatantly staring at the 4 purple walls that surround me. I contemplate my life and everything that has happened within the past few hours. I turn over onto my side and look at my phone constantly going off with notifications from snapchat and instagram, but I'm too drained to even pick it up so I just put it on silent and lay there.  I don't feel like myself anymore, I can't seem to find the happy Naomi that was here 2 weeks ago, the Naomi that was excited about college, school, and all the different awards that I can receive because I'm such a hard working student and a go getter. That mentality just isn't with me anymore. I've lost all motivation to do anything productive with life right now. 


I thought I put my phone on silent, but apparently not. It is a unknown number so I answer but I keep my voice low because my parent's are asleep and I don't want to wake them. 


"Yes, Are you Naomi Mitchell ?" 

"Um...yes, may I ask who's speaking ?"

"My name is Officer Mathers and I'm with the Chicago Police Department and I've been informed that someone named Kian has been murdered, do you have any relations with this young man ?" As soon as I hear murdered my body goes stiff and I drop my phone and begin to scream frantically at the top of my lungs. There is no way that Kian was murdered, who would do this to him? WHO WOULD TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME?!  Kian is my everything, he can't be gone, I just don't believe this, I would believe it either. This is insane, There's no wayKian was murdered. 

"Ma'am? Ma'am are you still with me? I need you to calm down and come to the police station as soon as possible". 

"I-I can't believe any of this, there must be a mistake Officer, please tell there was SOME KIND OF MISTAKE"

"Ma'am, I need you to come to the police station as soon as possible, some of the information that I need to give you cannot be given over the phone"

"I-I'll be there as soon as I can" I hang up the phone, grab my keys and coat and rush out the door. It starts raining really hard so I turn on my windshield wipers, as I'm crossing a bridge I see somebody standing in the middle of the road, so I start to slow down but when I get closer I don't see anyone there anymore. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, Maybe I'm just still in shock that Kian has been murdered, but something isn't right. I come to a stop light and relax, trying to catch my breath from whatever just happened. I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me or what but I'm not feeling it right now. As soon as the stop light turns green my chest begins to tighten and I feel like I can't breath, I begin gasping for air but it isn't helping, I try to bring my car to a stop but my breaks weren't working. God this can't be happening right now. As I try to catch my breath I see two 18 wheelers approaching me, I gasp once last time and I take control of the stirring wheel and swirl away from the trucks and park onside the road.  I take a sip of the water I notice that is in the cup holder. I open the glove compartment and take 4 of my anti-depressants so I can calm myself down.  It's 2:30 in the morning. I put my seat belt back on and I go to the police station. 

~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~~

"My name is Naomi and I'm here to see Officer Mathers" I tell the elderly lady at the front desk, she takes her precious time going to the pager to call Officer.  "TODAY LADY, IT IS A EMERGENCY" 

"Honey, there is a process to everything okay, you cannot come in here just demanding orders okay?"  

"Miss......." I try to find a name tag or something on the desk so  I won't have to ask for her name. "Miss Gotham, I sincerely apologize for me being rude, but I would appreciate it if you could speed up this process please, I'm begging you"

"Down the hall to the left, is Officer Mathers office Ma'am" 

"Thank You" I run down the hall to hopefully see his office but it's a interrogation room. I look around, becoming aware of my surroundings and I see pictures and different police reports from years past with mugshots and missing posters. This place is really starting to give me the creeps.  I take a seat at the table that's in the center of the room and I turn my phone off. I begin to look around again and suddenly I hear a computerized voice start talking. 

"Place both hands into the hands cuff slots in front of you"  I don't want to set off any alarms or triggers so I do as I'm told and they lock. I try to loosen the grip. I look up again to see Officer Mathers walking in with a toothpick in his mouth and sitting down in front of me. I 

"What's your full name? What year were you born ? What's your date of birth? Who are your parents?"

",  I came here because my boyfriend was murdered not to answer any pers-" he cut me off and began talking over me. 

"Answer the questions Ma'am"

"Naomi Gynell Mitchell, 1999, 09/25/99, Marisol and Ryan Mitchell. " does that answer any of your questions Officer?"

"Mhmm Interesting, where were you on the night of December 12th 2014 ?" I look at Officer Mathers puzzled for a minute because what does that have anything to do with Kian and it isn't even relatively close to what is going on right now. 

'I was sleeping over at a friends house." 

"Naomi, there is no need to lie here, everything that you say in here can be recorded and used against you if we decided to take this case to court because we know something that you don't so don't play coy with me" I look at Officer Mathers with fear in my eyes and try to see as vulnerable as possible because all of this is happening so fast. 

"Well these security camera shots tell us otherwise, do you care to explain".

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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