Chapter 6:The 3rd Liberation and the 2nd Recruiting/Collecting Spree

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Base (A Day Later)

Mari's POV

"Wake Up Guys. Fus Ro Dah Mother fucka!'Lasercorn said as he starts running around with his Taurus PT92. "What the Hell Man?"I said as he tries to shoot but its not loaded. "Just Joking i prepared Breakfast"Lasercorn said. We ate Scrambled Eggs and drinked Water.While Eating, Anthony tells the Master plan of the Third Liberation , Washingthon state."Okay its gonna take 12 Hours to reach Washingthon.But heres our plan.The city has 1000 MEA Soldiers while we can send 1300 Soldiers to fight the MEA.They have 30 tanks and we can send 40 Tanks.We Need to Capture or Destroy the Vancouver City Hall. Its controlled by MEA."Anthony said. 'I have intel Oregon Formed a Guerrila force that wants to join us.3000 Men and 1,000 Women and some kids want to join us.They have 30 FV101 Scorpions."I said as i show Drone Pictures of the Oregon Guerillas."Okay tell them Rendezvous at the Oregon Washington Border."Anthony said as i contacted the Oregon Guerillas. "Okay Rendezvous later."The Oregon Guerilla Leader(We Know him only as Panther) said as i turn off the Phone (Which is Similiar to the DMZ Phone). "Okay Tell the men to gear up"Anthony said to Lasercorn as he uses a PA To tell 1300 Soldiers to Gear up and get the Tanks.

12 Hours Later, Oregon Washingthon Border.

We Advanced Towards the Border.There are MEA Border Guards so we hide. Panther and his Forces greets us.All of them are Armed with Galils and M16A1s."Okay we are many and the MEA sends 12 C130 that has 1000 Troops armed with Galils."Panther said as Anthony looks at the city.He Sees the MEA Army Battalion Assembles on the Plaza. They are 3000 Foot Soldiers and 2000 Calvary men.And in the Center, a Mongol Arabic Officer armed with a sword holding the Chenchen and MEA Flag"Who the fuck is that?"Anthony asked 'Its a Descendant of a Mongol Soldier who has a Arabian Wife during Kublai Khan's Time.Its Lt Kitbuqa Qutuz. He afilitated to the Chenchens to the Mongolian Army and to the MEA" Panther said . "Okay Lets go"Anthony said as we advance.

Melanie's POV

Then Anthony fires his galil.The MEA hear us and starts firing.Then we heard Chenchen Troops fires some SKS Shots from the buildings.The battle commenced.Then the citizens scatteres."Ya Spetznas!"A Guy said as Russian Helicopters Drops Spestnaz and VDV Troops near us. "Shit Fall Back!"Qutuz said as the Combined Chenchens and MEA Troops fall back fight."They Are Retreating to the City Hall"I said as Qutuz uses a Lebel to fire at some Ruskies. "Use the Molotov Cannon"Anthony said as me and ian uses the Molotov Cannon.Its Basically a Catapult that fires 2 Molotovs Per shot."All Out"Ian Said as we are out of Molotovs."Okay use this"Matt said as he shows a thing, its a Satchel taped to a Dynamite that is taped to a Grenade.We use it and later the City Hall burned, the MEA Forces are Presumed Dead.The Citizens of Washington are liberated.On the ashes of City Hall, We Planted the American Flag. "SOon we will liberate America."Anthony said."Yeah but its gonna take more than us"I said. "Oh well we are going to draft men and women 18 Years Old- 30 Years Old"Anthony said 

12 Hours Later, Sacramento

Ian's POV

"We need your Men and women for the Resistance!We Will fight the invaders"We said as the guys who want in follows us.More Men and women follows us by the end of the day. 'Oh Shit , we got 1 Million, 50,000 men, 25,000 Women and 25,000 Child Soldiers. We Need More Guns."Kalel said. "Okay Ray, Ryan, Max,Ian, Pewds and Marzia, We will collect weapons here in the city." Anthony said as we go everywhere in the City to collect weapons from the Citizens and some abandoned Police Precint.We Have collected Enough Weapons for the Army.But We need to collect Essentials like food water stuff like that.So we "Raided" Abandoned Costco Stores to "loot " them all.

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