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"Time.... shouldn't you mortal understand its preciousness? Shouldn't  you be worried that you've veeery little???", he asked to blood covered Mrs. Loughty.

"I am not scared to die, you beast!", she spat.

"But don't you think even though you are old enough,  your son & his tiny family are too young to die??!!"

She didn't hesitated to show anger & disgust for him on her face.

"We knew you will go after my family, I'm not worried for them, oh but I think I can answer few questions as YOU know I have little time!!!"

"Oh really??  Then tell me does that mystic-feathered creature and his master are already born in this century?? Is she really incarnation of Tara? "

"Yes! They are & she IS Tara."

"Hmmm." He smirked.

"Now, Give me the shield that witch used to save her and her comrades as well as the necklace which you were protecting from your generations." 

"I won't give it to you & you can't retrieve it ", she spat.

"Oh old hag, you are a tough cookie, aren't you? ", he said to her lazily.

Shaking her head she said, "My friend, I can see your future. You all are at your end, cause this time, she will come back at you, strongly, fiercely!! Claim what was once her. shield?  Necklace??  Those are mare materials!! You mere dogs and your king can't stop her."

He gave her careless smirk and took the white hot object & pressed it deeper into flesh of Mrs. Loughty's hand. There was the hiss of broiling flesh which mixed with painful screams of old woman.

He then took out the small Swiss knife and approached her.

"For love of god!!!.....", she screamed and silenced.


Auther's Note:
Hiieee, so is this story yay or nay?? Give suggestions and comments, also if you like this story don't forget to rate it!

Thanks for reading. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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