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Before we get started, I want to share a little bit about myself so you know where I come from! I'll post this in the comments so that you can share about yourself too!

Name: Adelyn Sterling

Why I write: I started writing because I thought it would be fun to put a story down on paper. I haven't stopped writing because I somehow tapped into an endless well of stories to tell. It's not so much entertaining someone with a tale to pass the time. With every story, I want to say something worthwhile and important.

The genre I write: I write Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy and Historical Fiction. I write mostly for a Young Adult audience, but I'm looking to branch out.

My favorite book so far this year: I loved Geekerella by Ashley Poston. It was a cute, geeky Cinderella retelling and the perfect, light YA novel at just the right time. I listened to the audiobook and the readers were so fantastic. It was nearly un-put-downable.

My favorite author: This is such a tough question, but I think I'll forever say Jane Austen. Her books will forever capture me with their biting wit, and her quirky characters will always be the most memorable to me.

The best thing about writing is... I love drafting! I love that first draft where nothing matters and it's just you and the story.

I struggle most with... Losing steam on that first draft I love so much. Sometimes it is really hard, like really really hard, to keep the inspiration flowing when my motivation level seems to plummet.

I would like to learn more about... Character development. This has been a surprising struggle for me. I want to learn how to build wonderfully complex characters that people can't help but connect with. When I started writing, I would get a character in mind, but I wouldn't look deep into them, I just started in on the draft and hoped they would blossom as the story progressed. I don't think characters work that way, so I'll definitely be seeking out more resources to help in this regard that I will, in turn, share with you here.

Now it's your turn! Let me know in the comments about you and your writing!

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