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     You and Oikawa had been the biggest thing to probably ever happen at Aoba Johsai. Keyword: had. It was not that you had broken up, but rather you went your separate ways in order for you to both reach your dreams. You wanted to become a well-known lawyer back in your home country while he pursued a career in the one thing he could never put you before, volleyball.

     Volleyball was like a drug to Oikawa; something that he was addicted to and could never get enough of no matter how much he played the sport, he just needed more every single time.

     You tried to be a supportive girlfriend, in fact, you were probably the most supportive person to have ever stuck around with Oikawa and his unhealthy obsession with volleyball. You'd encourage him to participate every single game or practice. You would even cancel dates, be understanding about the whole situation AND still be able to care for the brown-haired doof. Heck, you'd even sign him up for friendly neighbourhood weekend tournaments without him knowing prior if he had the time to spare.

     Yet, despite all the effort you spent towards Oikawa, it never seemed to be enough for him, you or your relationship. You both still held strong feelings for one another and no one could deny that, however the two of you held such contrasting passions. He loved athletics and his beloved sport, volleyball. You, on the other hand, held a huge interest in the law & justice as well as debate. Although you two had opposite majors, you overcame these difference in order to have a relationship with one another. Apart from the different interests, Oikawa and you were a nearly perfect couple, minus all the natural arguments here and there of course.

     But one day, you received an opportunity to study abroad in a well-known country where people who practiced the law were uncommon but special as only very gifted people were permitted to become lawyers. It was a dream that they even contacted you and asked for you to be a part of the program. There was just no way that you would pass up such a chance, so you had immediately agreed to it.

     When you told Oikawa the great news, you had expected for him to be happy and excited for you, but he reacted in a way you definitely didn't expect. Your so-called 'great news' had caused your first big fight with Oikawa. Words were exchanged. You were told harsh things that you would most likely never forget, as you were scarred in a manner that you weren't prepared for. And knowing the person who was behind saying those things made you feel so much worse.

     At the airport, you were basically all ready to go. But you and Oikawa hadn't talked ever since the night of the fight and you weren't going to apologize for taking up such an opportunity, or the fact that he couldn't even be supportive and understanding.

     You were about to enter your gate to get to the boarding area of your flight when you heard a familiar sound, or more so voice, shrieking out your name multiple times as they got louder each time. You turned out to make sure that you weren't being delusional and thinking that you heard Oikawa Tooru of all people at the airport, considering the bad foot you had left off on. As you began to move your head to face the gate, a figure came sprinting at you and embraced you as soon as you were at their arm's length. They were holding you tightly yet so gentle, it felt as if they were to let go that they would never see you again. That they didn't want to lose you. They were grasping you as though you were going to shatter into millions of pieces at the slightest touch.

     You looked up and saw soft messy brown locks that you had grown so fond of. Your eyes began to water a bit from the overwhelming amount of emotions you felt at that moment. Happiness, sadness, confusion, peace, and closure along with many more.

     You only did one thing in response though, you wrapped your arms around his torso area and enveloped in Oikawa's presence. You inhaled his scent that remained in his sweater where your head was currently stuffed against. You felt so content and relieved to be having this moment with Oikawa right before your flight.

     The two of you remained in the position, just enjoying each others' company and basking in the warmth that radiated off from one another until you heard a women's monotone voice doing the last call for the passengers on your flight. You slowly tore yourself away from Oikawa, already missing the comfort and sense of security you felt when in his arms the instant you pulled away. You took a quick second to take in his features for the last time before you grabbed your luggage and ran in hopes that you wouldn't have to miss the plane.

     "Nii, [Nickname]-chan, don't forget to text, email and Skype me hundreds of times each day!" You felt a small smile tug at the corners of your lips when you heard Oikawa's ridiculous demands requests. Somehow you felt that you'd both be okay while being apart for the time being.

     The communication between the two of you started off strong, dozens of emails and texts were exchanged on a daily basis. However, as the days went by and they eventually turned into weeks and then months, you and Oikawa began to talk less and less. Until you never got a single message from him. No more good night texts, no more cute lovey-dovey messages that would make your heart flutter, no more selfies that he'd send to you just so that you would compliment him and feed his already huge ego, no more embarrassing and cringe-worthy lines that made you want to smack him for saying such stupid things and no more cheesy pick-lines which never failed to make you laugh and lift your spirits on bad days. Simple and small things like this were what made it feel as if this distance between the two of you had grown, and one that could never be closed either. But what had to hurt the most was he didn't even bother to see how you were doing, almost as if he had forgotten that you even existed, especially on your anniversary. You had put in the time and effort to look nice and dress-up. You were planning on Skyping him all night long, but he never once picked up a single time for a split second among the hundreds of calls you left him. He even stopped bothering to tell you 'I love you,' which was the only thing that worked as reassurance at this point to convince you that everything would work out, only it never did, did it?

     The loneliness did begin to take a toll on you emotionally and mentally, as well as your sociability. These days you were rarely ever at class. Typically just stayed in your dorm room, which you rarely ever left. In spite of your poor condition, you still worked hard that ultimately paid off in the end and resulted in you getting a full-paid scholarship to your dream university. Thanks to all your hard work, studying abroad and comments that your teachers left you.

     You were supposed to go back to Seijoh pretty soon for the last semester since it would be your last year too after all, but you weren't sure if you did want to go back. You wouldn't know how to deal with Oikawa or the rest of the school for that matter.

     Still, you can't say whether do you still regret your decision and what happened between you Oikawa and whether if it really was your fault that you two drifted away from one another; but if you really did mean something to him wouldn't he have put in more effort to make the long-distance relationship work out like you did?

(A/N) i'm sorry if this is hella rushed but it was in my head and i had to type it up and publish asap so please correct me on anything wrong especially grammar and spelling !! i'll probably edit when i feel like it (aka a year later)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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