Locked up

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I'm shaking, I'm scared, I have no idea of what's happening or what happened, and I think that I'm completely fucked. All that I am sure of is that my hands are cuffed together, I'm wearing a very orange jumpsuit, and an officer is pulling my arm with a very suffocating grip leading me into a room. So I'm just gonna take a guess, and say that I got arrested. Look at me putting two and two together. I thought that jail was hardcore, but I'm standing in front of a door that says "Juvenil therapy." Who knew that jail was full of feelings and sappy shit? I really shouldn't be making jokes when I'm stuck in a situation like this, but I can't help it. Why be negative when you wake up in Juvie?

In all seriousness I'm so completely confused and I really don't know what to do right now. I want to ask and see what's going on but I'm too scared to open my mouth.

These cuffs are way too tight and the way his grip is cutting off my circulation and arm is violently dragging my arm down the hall while my feet try to catch up makes me feel like a monster. Did I act like a monster? Am I a monster? All these questions keep pestering my subconscious. 

After what seems like an eternity, the very silent officer with a circulation-stopping grip on my arm leads me through the door, and I notice a metal name tag on the desk. It reads "Dr.Rachel."

I'm really aggravated right now, because I have no idea what the hell is going on, so my first instinct is to squirm and try to get my hands free from the handcuffs, but I fail miserably and sit down in front of the desk. I can tell they sense my hostility, I think everyone can, and I don't even try to hide my anger. I'm so pissed off and if I try to hide it I'll end up fighting someone, anyone.

    After sitting in stone cold, judgmental silence for a couple of minutes while the officer... Joe, his badge reads, and Dr.Rachel examine me like I'm a freak from another planet I decide that I can't take them staring at me for another second without completely losing it.

"Why am I here?! This is so stupid! Just leave me alone!" I scream hoping they'll not want to deal with my behavior right now and send me back to my cell so I can figure out what this even is.

"Why is this stupid Kendall? You need help and I'm here trying to help you get better, and turn your life around." She responds.

Get better? Help me? Turn my life around? I already hate the way she talks to me. Even if I've only heard her speak this one time, it just sounds so scripted. It's sounds like she's literally looking down at a scrip, because she's scared to say the wrong thing. And I just don't even know what she's talking about! I try to think about what I could've possibly done, but I can't remember anything. I can't even remember the last time before I got here.

"Get better? There's nothing wrong with me! You can stop wasting your time "trying to fix me," or whatever you're trying to do, okay! I just need this whole nightmare end! This is all just a joke! A fucking joke!"

I can't help but scream at her. Scream at her for thinking that I need help. Help for what? I don't need help. I'm perfectly fine!

"Who said I was trying to fix you? And I'm sorry, but you're going to spend a lot of time in this nightmare for your actions. Don't you think you need help?" She says acting like I've done something to "need her help."

And for god's sake someone tell me what 'I need help" for before I punch someone. Oh wait, I can't. Stupid handcuffs.

"Of course I don't think I need help! I think I'm perfectly fine! I'm just like every other seventeen year old girl! Why can't anyone see that?! And for your information I didn't do anything wrong! And you're all just wasting your time!"

If I'm being completely honest I don't even care why I'm here in the first place, so I don't really appreciate her trying to help me? Or whatever the hell she's trying to do.

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