Day by Day

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Day by day...... sudah hampir 1 bulan the boys menjalankan aktivitas kuliah mereka tanpa halangan apapun.

Lets review,

Harry was getting closed with Nancy

Chloe&Gabby cant stop fangirl about the boys

The other was chasing their couple except Louis, Liam and Zayn

But, how about Niall?


Cant believe it, sudah 1 bulan lebih the boys kuliah disini

And you know what? Theyre nice, kind, they always make someone happy

And their fans not bad too!

While, Chloe&Gabby was their friends too, even thought Chloe sometimes get over-reaction aka extremely happy so shes screaming '-' we called it 'Typical Chloe' 😂

Me and Harry are such a best friend, when Harry getting diffucult with his lesson, i helped him, im so comfy when he was beside me

And Niall too, he's so nice to me, just like yesterday, i asked for a help and he helped me carrying my book etc. he always beside me when i need help

Now im in class and the teacher wasnt attend yet

"Pssttttt......" kata seseorang

Saat ku menengok kebelakang, ternyata itu Harry

"Yess?" kataku

"Lunch? Mall? Ill pay for you" kata Harry tersenyum

"Okay! asked the other too!" kataku bersemangat

Harry mengedipkan sebelah matanya kepadaku, my heartbeat getting so damn fast 💓

Seketika kelas hening semua karena Mrs. Jane masuk, kelihatan dari raut wajahnya dia sedang serius, tidak dengan hari sebelumnya

"Okay class, summer was getting closer, and i will give you some homework" kata Mrs. Jane

Homework?!?! Seriously???


Class was over, kalian tahu? Mrs. Jane memberi kita 4 PR yang sangat tebal dan kita harus membuat rancangan baju untuk pakaian musim panas 😪

Its lunch, mungkin aku akan mengajak temanku untuk makan bersama

"Hey guys!" kataku menyapa the boys

"Oh hey Nans! ready?" tanya Harry

Yang lain terlihat bingung

"Ready for what Harry?" kata Niall terkejut

"Calm down Ni, Harry asked me for lunch at mall, would you guys go too with us??" ajakku

"Sounds great! im so hungry!" kata Niall

"Yup and Ele waiting for me there" lanjut Louis

"Same like Louis, Perry asked me to accompanied her for shopping" kata Zayn

"How about Liam?" tanya Harry

"I don't know maybe i just joining you guys" kata Liam

Tak lama kemudian Chloe menghampiri kita

"Hi guys!" kata Chloe

"Hi Chlo!" kata Zayn

"What happen here?" tanya Chloe

"Harry asked me for lunch at mall, and i asked the boys for coming too, would you join us too?" balasku panjang lebar

"Sorry Steph, but i have a lot homework for tomorrow, sorry" kata Chloe

"Oh thats okay" kataku tersenyum

"Okay Steph, have fun!" kata Chloe sambil memelukku, aku reflek membalasnya

"Lets go Nancy" ajak Louis


Kita sudah sampai di mall yay

Pertama kita lunch di salah satu restoran Italia, ya sesuai request-an Niall haha

"Wow this menu just make me more hungry!" kata Niall

Kami semua tertawa

Saat pelayan datang, Niall hampir memesan semua menu

"Hey Niall, don't order more than 5 foods!" kata Liam

"Haftt okayokay sorry" kata Niall pasrah

Aku hanya memakan fettucini dan minum orange juice

Saat semuanya sudah selesai makan, Louis menemui Ele, Zayn menemui Perrie, sementata tinggal aku, Liam, Niall dan Harry yang tersisa

"So, what will we gonna do?" tanya Liam

"I don't know" kata Harry

Tak lama iPhone milik Harry berdering, disitu tertulis ibunya yang menelpon

"Hello? Now? Okay im on my way, bye" kata Harry

"Guys, sorry i have to go home because my mom will go to USA so i have to drop her to airport" kaga Harry

"Thats okay" kata Liam

"Okay guys, sorry before, byee!" pamit Harry

"What should we do now?" tanya Niall

"I don't know too" jawabku

Tiba-tiba Liam pulang karena Sophia baru saja pulang dari USA

Tinggal aku dan Niall

"Uhm, Nancy?" kata Niall

"Yes?" jawabku

"Lets go home, i'll drive you home" kata Niall

"Okay" kataku


Di mobil suasana sangat hening sampai akhirnya Niall memecahkan keheningan

"So Nancy, how's your college today?" kata Niall

"Great! but you know Mrs. Jane gave me a lot of homework haffttt" kataku

"Hahaha be patient girl!" kata Niall mencibirku

Aku hanya memajukan bibirku, kemudian tawa Niall menjadi sangat kencang

"Don't use that face" kata Niall sambil tertawa

"Ugh stop it" kataku kesal

"Hahaha okayokay ill stop it" kata Niall berusaha berhenti tertawa

Tak terasa sudah sampai

"Thanks for the ride" kataku tersenyum

"No problem" kata Niall juga tersenyum

Kemudian mobil Niall menghilang


Next? -horansdauntless

You're the Apple to My Pie (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang