I. Chosen

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"Drink it."


Copper-coloured eyes narrowed a fraction, bringing down the temperature in the room with the simple, miniscule movement. "Drink it."

She was not scared, certainly not, but her traitorous body seemed to disagree as it took an involuntary step back, effectively trapping her petite form between the solid rock wall and the imposing stature of the man before her. "No!"

Time seemed to stand still as those malevolent eyes studied her intensely, noting the contrast between her defiant blue eyes and her small, trembling lips.  

Something akin to guilt flashed in his face, before the handsome features hardened into its usual stern, cruel countenance. He didn't speak, but signalled to the two guards standing nearby - and her eyes widened with horror as the two muscled men advanced, obeying the silent command.

Quick as flash she pulled herself from the wall and dashed towards the open door, but two sets of impossibly strong arms grabbed her by the wrists and pulled back, keeping her in place. The tall, copper-eyed man strolled casually towards her, followed by a brunette, bespectacled man bearing a wide-rimmed cup made of gold. The Emperor's cup, filled to the brim with the finest wine from the West.

Wine which is most certainly poisoned.

She clamped her lips together, determined to fight to the last breath. She saw his large hand move towards her, and she crunched her eyes shut, anticipating a blow. A gasp escaped her lips as the hand moved past her face to grab her hair, pulling her head back in a tight, painful grip.

Before she knew it the cup was being brought to her lips, and her nose was being pressed with a thumb and a forefinger, forcing her to swallow instinctively.

The effect was instantaneous. Her head swam, and bile rose in her throat. A terrible burn flared in her stomach, and she hunched forward in pain, nausea quickly kicking in. She felt her knees give way beneath her, before finally, mercifully, she lost consciousness.


Alcestis woke up to the familiar feeling of numbness and general disorient, the bitter taste in her tongue and the dull ache of her stomach tell-tale signs of her most recent ordeal. "What was it this time?" She asked as loud as she could manage with her still raw throat, not bothering to open her eyes.

As she expected, a reply came instantly from somewhere on her right. "Hemlock. A liberal amount has been spread on the rim of the wine goblet served at the Emperor's table."

The explanation was given in a matter-of-fact voice, as if poisoning was something that happened on a daily basis - which, in Alcestis' case, is quite true. "Who was the culprit?"

"Daucina, the Emperor's former concubine. But you must know that already."

The Emperor's Cup BearerWhere stories live. Discover now