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A puff of black mist appeared right in the middle of the familiar Victorian designed office, with the same expensive looking maroon curtains and gold plush carpet. It wasn't the time to marvel at the beauty, though, as they were in the presence of the most powerful person in their world. The Blood Leader.

"Good evening, Wu-sajangnim." Kai bowed, even though the Leader had his chair turned around and couldn't see him.

"What brought you here, Jongin?" As usual, his voice was firm and heavy enough to make Kai extremely nervous. There was something about his aura that could immediately determine his power and influence. There was only one person, though, that wouldn't budge despite of all that. Kris. He didn't even bother to bow in respect.

Kai cleared his throat. "I brought your son, sajangnim."

There was a moment of silence. Then, his low, throaty laugh bounced around the room. He slowly turned his chair, and immediately locked eyes with Kris. It was nowhere near the loving looks fathers give to their sons. By the way they look each other, it's hard to tell that they're actually related to each other.

"You can go now, Kai."

He glanced at Kris before bowing once again. "Thank you, sajangnim." As soon as Kai disappeared, the Blood Leader stood up, threw his cigarette on the ashtray and slowly walked towards Kris. Kris, however, stayed in place, just eyeing his father's every move.


"Huan." This made the man chuckle, knowing that his son still refused to call him Father or Leader. He still had the same level of resentment.

"That was one hell of a rebellion you did there. It was quite amusing watching you, actually."

"Oh really? Or did you even care one bit?"

"I don't know what you were trying to prove, Kris. But you sure as hell embarrassed me so much. I really can't believe you're my son."

"I can't believe you're my father either." Kris spat, immediately receiving one heavy punch. With one snap of the Leader's fingers, two guards entered the room and grabbed Kris' arms, forcing him to kneel down. The man continued pacing back and forth, rubbing his temples in annoyance.

"You know what, why don't you just kill me? Just kill me like what you did with MiYun?"

"Who? That little pathetic anima of yours?" He chuckled, making Kris hiss and try to wiggle out of the guards' grasps. One of them punched him to make him stop.

"Are you doing all this just because of her?"

"I'm doing this because I want to prove just how heartless of a bastard you really are. You may have the most power and money here, but you're still the most sickening person that ever existed."

Han grabbed his hair harshly, forcing him to look at the scary scowl he was giving. "Were you able to able to prove that? Huh? Then why am I still here? Still living in luxury, as your freaking BLOOD LEADER?"

Kris licked the blood off his lips and laughed bitterly, not feeling intimidated at all. "You really don't have any conscience, do you? All you ever cared about was money and power. Maybe that's why mom left you."

Another punch shook his head, making his vision spin. With one flick of Huan's wrist, then the guards proceeded to relentlessly beat up Kris, kicking and punching everywhere.

"Don't you ever speak of her."

Kris laughed. "Is that why you let MiYun die? Because you're putting the blame on her? On us?" The guards started to kick him again, and only stepped after what felt like a million minutes. He could feel the sting all over his face, and only one of his eyes could see clearly. He was hauled up by the guards again to kneel right in front of his father.

"What are you still waiting for? Kill me already." Kris mocked. His father only gave him a hateful stare, making him choke out a laugh. "Why? Is your conscience bothering you? Is your heartlessness finally sinking in?"

Huan crouched down to look at Kris on eye level. "Look, Kris. It was already too late for her. Even if I wanted to, any help couldn't have saved her."

"It was never too late," Kris hissed, trying to fight back the tears starting to sting his eyes. "I tried all my best to save her. I did everything I can, even if it looked impossible. I knew it was too late, but I loved her so much that I wanted to fight for her until the very end. I wasn't asking for your money. All I wanted was for you to care."

This made Huan freeze. He looked at his son's pained eyes for a few seconds, before deciding to stand up and walk back to his chair. He turned around, refusing to look at Kris any longer.

"Get rid of him."

The guards bowed and started dragging Kris out of the room. He struggled for a moment to stop for one last word. "I don't regret anything that I did. I'm satisfied that I lived my life the way I wanted, and didn't follow your footsteps. So I'm glad my rebellion amused you, father."

He said the last word with pure hate.

Finally, he was dragged out of the room, and the Blood Leader was left in silence once again. He picked up the cigarette he left earlier, but stopped as he was about to put in his mouth. He froze for a few more seconds, contemplating about something. Then he put the cigarette back down, and threw it in the trash. He picked up his phone to make a call.

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